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Island Elegies


We look to Okinawa as an inspiration to begin the New Narratives Film Festival. As a World War II battlefront and a military outpost for the US, the island is an emblem of both war and peace, and represents a struggle to reconcile the past with the present. These documentary films explore how an island's history shapes one’s personal identity and world-view.



The Mainland Belongs to an Island



"Japan belongs to Okinawa," wrote the author Kenzaburo Oe, who turned on its head a common turn of phrase regarding the island's history. Islands around the world have been long subject to the whims of war and colonial control. With this series, which centers on Taiwan and its outlying islands as well as those that are part of China, we pose the question: in what ways does a "mainland" belong to an island?



The Times They Are A-Changin’

戰後沖繩民謠大師嘉手苅林昌〈時代の流れ〉和經典反戰民謠The Times They Are a Changin’為題,描繪瞬息萬變的時代之流下的政治地景:冷戰、經濟狂飆、邊界衝突、社會轉型。在國族主義口號之下,看不見的歷史傷痕仍持續發酵,本單元聚焦東南亞新銳導演,看他們以新的美學形式與敘事手法,在審查制度與西方文化資本的雙重夾殺中,開闢出新的路徑。

This Bob Dylan song resonated the rising tide of the Civil Rights and anti-war movements of the 1960s. With the Cold War, tumultuous economic change and ever-present conflict around the world, the song remains as relevant as ever. We see this clearly in Southeast Asia, where a group of cutting-edge directors have been chronicling major changes in their countries.


◎本單元《獨白》、《炸彈池塘》與《來自賓童龍的信》與「負地平線」合作。 The films “MONOLOGUE,” “Bomb Ponds” and “Letters from Panduranga” are being shown in cooperation with Negative Horizon


City Borders


This series looks at how the relentless pace of globalization and capitalism has impacted ordinary lives in Asia.



RE/VIEW: “Floating Islands”


In 1999, director Zero Chou recruited a group of Taiwanese directors to make short films about life and the state of affairs in Taiwan's outlying islands. "Floating Islands" was the biggest documentary project of its kind in Taiwan, and its 12 films challenged mainstream narratives surrounding places such as Orchid Island and Kinmen. The series launched a "New Wave" in Taiwanese documentary, and spurned a larger awareness of the social issues faced by residents of the islands and their large implications for Taiwanese society. We re-visit part of this series, which first screened 16 years ago, with the hope of offering a renewed perspective on issues facing small island communities.






This series looks at two important artists in Taiwan, portrayed in documentary film.



Film + Live Music


To celebrate these special feature screenings, the New Narratives Film Festival has invited several musicians to participate. Artists hailing from Taiwan, Italy and Okinawa will each give three live music performances connected to the films and themes for each screening event. We invite all attendees to experience how “sound” can connect viewers to an “image" on the screen.   

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