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Hebei Taipei

李念修 Li Nien-Hsiu
2015 | 台灣 Taiwan | 92 min

老李,我的父親,中國河北省出生,年輕時為生活從軍,韓戰爆發之際,他在南北韓交界被俘,輾轉流離到台灣,六十年來不曾返家。夢裡他回到故鄉, 每次都是血流成河的景象。年邁的父親開始戴上假髮,穿上女裝,活出一個不曾擁有的自我。六十歲那年,他下定決心離開,回到夢中的家園,在這趟從島橫跨大陸的遙遠旅程,「家」在何方?


Mr Li was born in Hebei Province, China and has lived in Taiwan for nearly six decades. His life has been full of unbelievable twists and turns. His father was brutally killed by Kuomingtang (KMT) army soldiers when he was age 10. He then fled with his mother, who, soon after, took her own life. To survive, he became a monk and joined a temple, only to join the KMT army when the Chinese Civil War erupted. When the KMT lost, he joined their enemy, the Chinese Communist army. They dispatched him to the North Korea border, where he was captured by the Americans during the height of the Korean War.


He was then freed with help from the United Nations, and was sent as a refugee to Taiwan, which was under control by the KMT. He settled there, got married and started a family, constantly worrying that people would find out he once fought as a Chinese Communist soldier. Now, at the age of 60, Mr Li has left his wife and children. He cannot bear that his hair is turning gray, so he dons a wig -- and a woman’s dress, to make up for all those years wasted when he was young.


★2016 台北電影節最佳紀錄片獎
★2016 山形國際紀錄片影展

★2016 台灣國際紀錄片影展

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