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▶︎ 單場票 100元

▶︎ 開幕場、閉幕場、特映會單場 300元

▶︎ 身障敬老票 單場票50元/開幕場、閉幕場、特映會單場150元

▶︎ 影展套票 400元(購票時必須同時購買十張票卷場次,不含開、閉幕、特映場。)




1.兩廳院網站(限信用卡) 2.兩廳院售票點(現金、信用卡) 3.超商(限現金)萊爾富、7-11、全家。


(1) 請先加入會員。 (2) 取票方式:售票點取票(不含手續費)、國內郵寄(另收50元郵資)、超商取票(每張票券另收8元取票手續費)。(3) 訂購完成即可取票,敬請提早領取。



(1) 所有場次皆自由入座,座位有限,劃完為止。電影放映20分鐘後不開放進場,敬請準時。

(2) 套票:購票時需當次劃完十張票卷場次,無法另期劃位,僅限兩廳院售票端點、兩廳院網站購買。

(3) 超商購票一次僅能刷出8張票卷,若取票數量超過8張,請分兩次以上點選。

(4) 身障敬老票:年滿65歲以上長者、身心障礙人士與一名必要陪同者,入場需出示相關證件。

(5) 主場地客家文化中心三樓放映室、客家音樂戲劇中心二樓劇場,場內皆不開放飲食,敬請留意。

(5) 主辦單位保有更動節目之權利,最新消息請見官網與粉絲專頁公佈。



Single Tickets ▲ 100 NTD

Tickets for Opening Event, Closing Event, Special Screening ▲ 300 NTD 

Package Tickets ▲ 400 NTD for 10 tickets for any films except the opening and closing films and special screening

1. TICKETS: All tickets (except package tickets) may be purchased at the festival site or at NTCH Ticketing Outlets, 7-11 ibon kiosks, FamiPort or Hi-Life convenience stores, or online through the NTCH Web site. Package Tickets can only be purchased through NTCH Ticketing Outlets or online through the NTCH Website.

2. Paying for Tickets: 

(1) NTCH Ticketing Website: Credit Card only 

(2) NTCH Ticketing Booths: Cash and Credit Card 

(3) 7-11 iBon kiosks, Famiport and other convenience stores: Cash only

3. For information about purchasing tickets online, visit the NTCH Website at

4. Refunds and Exchanges: To obtain a refund or exchange a ticket, please go to the ticketing agent booths at the National Concert Hall and Theater at least 10 days before the scheduled event. A 10% processing fee will be deducted. No refunds and exchanges are allowed once the event has taken place.


5. Please Note: 

(1) All seating is first come, first served for all screenings and events. Entry to screenings will not be permitted 20 minutes after the film has elapsed.

(2) Package ticket are only available at NTCH Outlets and website. For package tickets, you must choose all 10 movies that you want to see at the time of purchase. 

(3) Ticket purchases at convenience stores are limited to 8 tickets per transaction. If you wish to purchase more than 8 tickets at a convenience store, then you must purchase in separate transactions.

(4) For senior citizens and the disabled who purchased discounted tickets, relevant ID must be presented at the door. 

(5) Food and drink are not allowed in the Hakka Cultural Center 3rd Floor Screening Rooms and the Hakka Music and Drama Center’s 2nd Floor Theater.

(6) The festival organizers reserve the right to make changes to the program at anytime. Any changes or updates will be posted on the Festival’s official website.


▲ For assistance with NTCH ticket services, please call (02) 3393-9888 or email : 

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