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萬迪・拉塔那 Vandy Rattana
2015 | 柬埔寨 Cambodia | 19 min  

無法抵達的語言,漂流在歷史傷痕之中,成為獨白。1978年,柬埔寨的紅色高棉時期,導演Vandy Rattana未曾謀面的親姊姊,被葬在森林深處芒果樹下,無人知道確切位置,她靜靜躺在森林深處,伴隨著其他五千多名戰爭犧牲者,芒果樹在風中搖曳,聲音凍結在寂靜之中。這是一趟以影像重返歷史的私密追尋,Vandy Rattana以其敏銳、纖細,蘊含哲思的詩意影像,穿越歷史時間與空間的向度,喚醒沈睡在歷史中的黑暗記憶。

With “Monologue,” Vandy Rattana intimately confronts particular physical and physiological scars remaining from the Khmer Rouge era. The only sound in the film — the artist’s voice — is directed at the sister he never met, who rests somewhere beneath a small, measured plot of land, alongside his grandmother, and five thousand others who were discarded during the Khmer Rouge regime in 1978 in Cambodia. When violence can no longer be seen, Vandy complicates our perception of its aftermath with intimacy. What is reconciliation? Monologue destabilizes time, the distance of history, bipolar ideas of justice, the possibility of logic, and of peace.(Text by Erin Gleeson / Courtesy of the director)

◎ 放映場次:10/27 1600 | 1030 1200 

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