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Before the Radiation

周美玲 Zero Chou
2000 | 台灣 Taiwan | 22 min

烏坵,默默戍守前線四十年;但因為封閉,幾乎被台灣忘記。但1998年初,烏坵卻被宣佈為「核廢料最終處置場」的優先預定地,烏坵居民發出從未被聽見的聲音,惶恐地抗爭,卻沒有人聽得懂他們口中的浦田話。然而,在當局試圖花錢了事, 承諾將給予島民三十億元回饋補償金後,腳下的島嶼與眼前的金錢, 變成秤上搖擺的兩邊,搖擺著島上不過30戶居民的茫然人心。輻射將至的陰影,靜靜地侵襲著島嶼、也侵襲著人性。



Wuqiu is a pair of tiny islands off the coast of China, but they are governed by Taiwan (as the Republic of China). The islands -- which have a civilian population of between 30-40 people -- are a first line of defense against China, with ROC troops stationed there.  It was all but forgotten by Taiwanese, until 1998, when the government proposed Wuqiu as a site to store nuclear waste. The island's residents protested vociferously. Director Zero Chou looks at how the proposal further alienated Wuqiu residents, who hold few substantial ties to Taiwan, as their language, culture and family ties are more closely connected to China's Putian County.

◎ 本系列短片為同場次放映:10/27 1900  

◎ 映後導演論壇:沈可尚、陳芯宜、黃庭輔

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