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Who Is Fishing® 攝影/金成財


Who Is Fishing®

陳芯宜 Chen Singing
2000 | 台灣 Taiwan | 16 min

我只是要來釣個魚,為什麼有這麼多問題?人和島嶼的關係可以是—共生、標示、獨佔亦或爭奪? 當所有人都揚起國族尊嚴的大旗,真正的主體卻更加曖昧不清——「釣魚台」,一個被龐大的政治糾葛所掩蓋、淹沒、模糊化的概念之島。導演陳芯宜以類新聞片手法,穿插動畫和紀錄影像, 以歷史,政治,新聞紀實切入釣魚台諸面向,剝去島嶼主權爭奪虛相,探求人欲與自然、個人與國家之間的恆久衝突 。

As soon as the name of the island of Diao-yu-tai is mentioned in Taiwan, it immediately strikes an emotional, patriotic response. These uninhabited islands are part of a long running political and diplomatic dispute between Taiwan, China and Japan, which started in 1968 when a survey found a potential oil source in the East China Sea. Ever since, there has been a dispute over who owns this territory.

★2000 台灣國際紀錄片雙年展
★2001 山形國際紀錄片影展
★2001 第十五屆瑞士佛瑞堡影展

◎ 本系列短片為同一場次放映:10/27 1900  
◎ 映後導演論壇:沈可尚、陳芯宜、黃庭輔

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