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Nuchigafu—Life Is a Treasure “Gyokusai ”Stories in the Battle of Okinawa


Nuchigafu—Life Is a Treasure “Gyokusai

”Stories in the Battle of Okinawa

朴壽南 Park Soo-Nam 
2012 | 日本 Japan | 132 min



Director Park Soo-nam tells the story of the Okinawan "Gyokusai" — group suicides ordered after Japan’s defeat in the Second World War — through interviews with survivors from Kerama Island and the Korean workers of the Japanese Imperial Army in Okinawa. Gyokusai, the final sacrifice of life in opposition of Japan’s enemies, was not only about suicide. Park presents the issues surrounding the Okinawa Gyokusai, bringing to light the difficulties and pain experienced by Okinawan and Korean people during the war.


★2013 山形國際紀錄片影展 特別邀請影片

★2013 愛知女性影展

★2014 釜山和平電影節大獎

◎ 放映場次:10/23 1700 | 10/26 1630

copyright 2016 trees music & art 大大樹音樂圖像

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