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Coming & Going-Island of Tachen



Director by Mayaw Biho


Coming & Going-Island of Tachen

馬躍・比吼 Mayaw Biho
1999 | 台灣 Taiwan | 111 min

「大陳義胞」是誰?一百多年前,大陳人的祖先從浙江省沿海追逐黃魚追到大陳島;民國四十四年,一萬多名大陳人從浙江外海大陳島,撤退台灣,在國共冷戰對峙下,他們的「義無反顧」獲得這個封號 。五十年後世局丕變,回到家鄉的大陳人,尋根的渴望破滅,當年出海工作,跳船到美國的移民第二代,在美國被認為是中國人,在中國被認為是台灣人,回台灣又被認為是外省人。來去之間,身份認同成為一道謎題,一個不被外人所理解的歷史傷痕。直到今日,「大陳義胞」的子民仍然在不同土地上流浪...。 

A group of refugees return "home" after more than 50 years. The Tachen Islands, located near the coast of Zhejiang Province in China, were under the control of the Kuomingtang Nationalists in Taiwan (as the Republic of China) until 1955 when the Chinese communists invaded. That prompted the evacuation of 10,000 Tachen residents to Taiwan, where they remain today. Dubbed the Tachen "No Surrender" Islanders, some of these residents make a return trip, only to find their homeland unrecognizable, and their identity painfully mired in confusion.  


★2001 文建會地方文化紀錄影帶獎 優等
★2002 兩岸關係暨大陸新聞報導獎 佳作
★2003 台灣國際民族誌影展

◎ 放映場次:10/24 1400

copyright 2016 trees music & art 大大樹音樂圖像

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