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Libangbang: Ching-Wen's Not Home


Libangbang: Ching-Wen's Not Home

郭珍弟 Kuo Chen-Ti
2000 | 台灣 Taiwan | 30 min

造屋,是清文最想為爸媽做的一件創作。為了現實,清文不得不留下未完成的新家,離開蘭嶼到台灣工作。家中,爸爸抽著清文為他做的竹抽斗,媽媽與我一同整理清文的畫作,坐在他刻的木椅上,舉目無處不見清文做的項鍊、石頭、魚尾......。 叔公唱起一首歌:「離鄉到了遠方去的孩子啊,照顧你自己,記得父母的思念。」媽媽壓抑著矛盾的心情說:「我還是希望他留在台灣啦,工作比較有發展。」陽光兀自照耀著,爸爸獨自划著拼板舟出海捕魚去……。這是一部圍繞著清文的影片,而清文是唯一缺席的存在。

This film centers on the life of Ching-wen, a young Aborigine from Orchid Island, who leaves home to work in Taipei. The film highlights a long-standing problem common among Taiwan's rural towns, villages and outlying islands: There are no jobs at home, which means young adults leave for Taiwan's cities to find work. Village elders are torn between missing their children and resorting to the consolation that they can make a proper living. Director Kuo Chen-ti makes a trip to Orchid Island while Ching-wen is in Taipei; his absence adds a poignant touch to the story.

◎ 本系列短片為同場次放映:10/27 1900  

◎ 映後導演論壇:沈可尚、陳芯宜、黃庭輔

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