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A Ghost Island Lies Beneath

林泰州Lin Tay-Jou
2015 | 台灣 Taiwan | 16 min

從鳥瞰空拍影像「看見鬼島」,一部環境浩劫與重大工業安全事件的影像編年史。以雲林縣今日的景觀地貌為主體,終年燃燒運轉的離島工業區,濁水溪乾枯,地層嚴重下陷,白海豚消失,農地傾倒工業廢料層出不窮…… 沒有人物、沒有採訪,只有聲與影的實驗性紀錄短片。片尾以2015年8月中國天津大爆炸聲響作結,一部以影像紀錄與觀察介入環境議題的作品。

Aerial shots provide a bird’s-eye view of the current landscape of Yunlin County, a region in Taiwan known for its agriculture. But with an industrial zone nearby, there are signs of environmental damage: the depleted Choshui River, land subsidence, disappearance of the white dolphins, and industrial waste. The documentary ends with footage of the Tianjin explosions of 2015 to underline the need for awareness of environmental and ecological issues.

★ 2016 台北電影節

◎ 放映場次:10/26 1930 導演映後座談 | 10/29 1100

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