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邱育南 Chiu Yu-Nan
2015 | 台灣 Taiwan | 45 min


Quemoy, or Kinmen, is an island that belongs to Taiwan, yet it stands only 9 kilometers from the Chinese border. Until the 1990s, the island was a heavily fortified military outpost, an important defense against a possible Chinese attack. Today, with the opening cross-strait relations, a steady flow of Chinese tourists now visit the island, given its close proximity. This film portrays Quemoy people of different generations, building a picture of a complicated national identity. 

★2015 攝區二三事紀錄片競賽首獎
★2015 金穗獎學生最佳紀錄片
★2016 台北電影節

◎ 放映場次:10/23 2000 映後導演對談:黃庭輔、邱育南| 10/25 1400

copyright 2016 trees music & art 大大樹音樂圖像

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