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Prison & Paradise


Prison & Paradise

丹尼爾‧魯迪‧哈揚托  Daniel Rudi Haryanto
2010 | 印尼 Indonesia | 91 min 

2002年10月,印尼峇里島一間夜店遭到炸彈攻擊,導致202人死亡、上百人受傷,為印尼史上死傷最慘重恐怖攻擊事件,有多名伊斯蘭激進組織「伊斯蘭祈禱團」成員遭到逮捕。本片導演跟隨著前華盛頓郵報記者 ─ 他曾與一位爆炸案主謀同為伊斯蘭學校的室友 ─ 深入調查這起震驚全球的爆炸案。影片不僅藉由訪問在獄中的多名涉案者,試圖釐清在911事件之後,激進派穆斯林以「聖戰」之名發動恐怖主義的複雜原因,更以七年時間記錄涉案者及受難者家屬在爆炸案後的生活,並透過不同觀點與詮釋,反思恐怖攻擊對當代印尼社會與家庭的影響。

In this film, director Daniel Rudi Haryanto interviews the perpetrators of the Bali Bombings of October 2002, which started a wide debate in Indonesia over the concept of jihad, Islamic political movement, terrorism and human rights. In the film, Haryanto follows Noor Hud Ismail, a Washington Post reporter and former roommate of one of the Bali Bombers. They meet with both the perpetrators’ and victims’ families, and viewers learn than the subsequent bombings have created a large number of orphaned children from all parts of society. Throughout the film, Haryanto and Ismail confront fundamentalist views, questioning why some of their fellow Muslims have turned to terrorism.


★ 2010 杜拜國際影展

★ 2011 山形國際紀錄片影展 日本電影導演協會獎

★ 2014 阿姆斯特丹亞洲電影節評審團特別提及

◎ 放映場次:10/23 1100 | 10/30 1000

copyright 2016 trees music & art 大大樹音樂圖像

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