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Letters from Panduranga



Director by Nguyễn Trinh Thi


Letters from Panduranga

阮純詩 Nguyễn Trinh Thi
2015 | 越南 Vietnam | 35 min

一部關於越南賓童龍的散文電影(essay film)。賓童龍位於越南中南沿海寧順省,當地是古文明Cham王國的核心地帶,印度教母系社會Cham族原住民世居此地,當越南政府計劃在此興建國內第一座核電廠,這個古老文明的心臟也隨之發生劇烈震盪...。透過一個男人與女人的信件往返,導演阮純詩以此開展另類影像民族誌,夾敘夾議,從現實地景穿越歷史記憶,在個人化敘事中透過地景、人物肖像的理性距離與情感凝視,展開對於影像、政治、民族誌乃至藝術家田野工作的批判與反思。

The Vietnamese government is currently building the country's first nuclear plant on the spiritual land of the Cham indigenous people, threatening their Hindu-based history and culture, which dates back two thousand years. This predicament inspires this essay film, conceived in the form of a letter exchange between a man and a woman. Nguyễn Trinh Thi's work unfolds a multi-faceted historical and on-going experience of various forms of colonialism, and looks into the central ideas of power and ideology in our everyday lives.

★ 2015 鹿特丹影展
★ 2015 烏拉爾雙年展
★ 2015 台灣亞洲藝術雙年展

◎ 放映場次:10/22 1730  導演開講:阮純詩 | 10/27 1600

copyright 2016 trees music & art 大大樹音樂圖像

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