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黃庭輔 Huang Ting-Fu
2000 | 台灣 Taiwan | 16 min

沒有變動的時間,沒有目標的等待......。一桌撞球的碰響、一串電視節目的跳接、一碗泡麵的輕煙、一班公車的窗影、一件迷彩服的陽光、一刻鐘的假寐夢緒、一張一百元電話卡的蜜語。老人等待一副好棺材、小孩等待快快脫離島嶼、阿兵哥數著饅頭等待退伍、老兵等待發薪再來預支老米酒、老闆娘等待股票漲停板、老師等待無憂的退休金、小鳥等待不再有的高粱穗...... 樹等待風、風等待石、石等待歸人、而我等待電影的結束。

The sound of billiard balls on a table, a montage series from television shows, steam rising from a bowl of instant noodles, reflections in the window of a public bus, a sun dressed in drab army green, daze caused by intermittent sleep, and words hidden in a telephone card. The old wait for their coffins, the young wait to leave the island, the recruits wait and count the number of days before discharge, the rocks wait for people to come back, and I wait for the end of the film. 

◎ 本系列短片為同場次放映:10/27 1900  

◎ 映後導演論壇:沈可尚、陳芯宜、黃庭輔

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