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Silent Delta

沈可尚 Shen Ko-Shang
2000 | 台灣 Taiwan | 19 min 

人能決定歷史,但噤聲的「非人」卻道出真實。影片由鳥靈的思念原鄉開始,以困於三角終不能逃的靈魂為終。島嶼所想,土地欲訴,皆幻化成最直接的舉措─無聲。《噤聲三角》攝於北方三島,原本為邊陲發聲的妄念,轉為自我批判,攝影機作為記錄現實的工具, 無法記錄自然體系被政治歸化的錯位,反而映照出人妄想定義真實的權力鬥爭。沈可尚早期第一部實驗紀錄片,以大量黑白、彩色雜訊影像、跳位剪接與音樂的拼貼手法,從影像形式探究文明與自然;被攝者、攝影者與觀者之間的權力消長。

Silent Delta moves effortlessly from black and white to color cinematography, with Shen using a modernist soundtrack and brilliant visuals to evoke the island's natural habitat. This avant-garde film uses neither characters, nor dramatic events to define or argue for its subjects of representation. What are the three islands thinking and what is the land trying to tell us? As an allegory for the silent struggle of these three islands, we see images making assertions, but coming to no conclusion, providing an opportunity for contemplation instead. 

★ 2000 金穗獎最佳實驗電影
★ 2000 台北國際紀錄片雙年展
★ 2001 日本山形紀錄片影展

◎ 本系列短片為同場次放映:10/27 1900  

◎ 映後導演論壇:沈可尚、陳芯宜、黃庭輔

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