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SPECIAL SCREENING:Disturbing the Peace

SPECIAL SCREENING:Disturbing the Peace 

時間:10/28 五 Fri 19:00-21:40(18:30開放入場)
票價:300元/身障敬老票150元 (購票)

◎ 放映影片:《驟雨》 (Daniel Lopez 導演) ✭亞洲首映
    Katabui: In the Heart of Okinawa (Daniel Lopez) ✭ 
Asia Premiere
◎映後現場音樂:Maltese Rock(沖繩混種搖滾樂團)

Morito(主唱,詞曲創作Vocal, Songwriter and Arranger)/

Akane Itoman(薩克斯風Saxophone)

爆裂的和平,不是比喻,而是沖繩的日常風景。從1945年到今日,美軍戰機日復一日從基地起飛,轟隆隆噪音穿透島嶼天際,成為沖繩的每日寫實。儘管必須容納外來者的存在,沖繩人們卻依舊保持強韌的生命力,以及對和平堅定的追求。瑞士籍導演Daniel López定居沖繩數十年,紀錄片《驟雨》以人物誌的敘事手法,勾勒沖繩島嶼百態與當代文化場景,從反戰雕刻家到搖滾樂團主唱,場景從美軍基地抗爭到民謠即興現場。


本場特映會除了《驟雨》首次亞洲映演,更邀請片中活躍於社會運動的主唱Morito,與他的搖滾樂團薩克斯風手Akane Itoman同台演出!跟隨Morito的混種搖滾樂,在聲與影的流動中,打開台灣與沖繩的島嶼對話。


Peaceful explosions: this is not a metaphor but rather a description of everyday life in Okinawa. The state of the island today and its complicated history is covered in Daniel López􀅇s documentary 􀅉Katabui: In the Heart of Okinawa.􀅊 One of the subjects featured in the filmMorito, is a social activist and lead singer of the band Maltese Rock, which mixes traditional

Okinawan folk with modern punk-rock. The festival is pleased to host Morito and the band's saxophonist Akane Itoman, who will perform after the screening of the film.

特映片:驟雨  Katabui: In the Heart of Okinawa  (影片介紹)


丹尼爾‧羅貝 Daniel López

2015 | 日本 Japan / 瑞士 Switzerland | 80 min | 亞洲首映 Asia Premiere

樂人介紹:Maltese Rock  沖繩混種搖滾樂團 

1997年成軍的沖繩搖滾樂團,由主唱、詞曲創作人兼沖繩居酒屋老闆Morito(もりと)成立。創作基地位於沖繩市那霸「榮町市場」。這個歷史悠久的老市場,曾一度面臨都更的拆遷危機,後來當地居民聯合在地文化圈發起復興運動,市場不僅得以原貌保留,更重新凝聚沖繩在地意識,成為另類文化基地,Maltese Rock即是當時復興運動的主力成員。他們的音樂,如同沖繩文化,吸收雜炒了許多外來元素:沖繩民謠、龐克、藍調、吉普賽音樂、前衛搖滾等,以具有多重樂種性格的搖滾樂,融合演繹當代沖繩音樂。樂團長年巡迴於日本與國際舞台,2015年發行最新專輯《Downtown Parade》,廣受好評。

Despite its name, the band neither plays rock nor comes from Malta. Maltese Rock hails from Okinawa, the southernmost island of Japan, and their sound combines punk-rock and blues with traditional Okinawan folk music. The most characteristic element of the band's sound is the low, gravely, mournful voice of bandleader Morito, whose eclectic compositions balance Japanese street music and classic punk-rock, and are full of unexpected changes in tempo and mood. The topics of their songs center on social issues, as the musicians are strongly engaged in local activism on Okinawa. 

copyright 2016 trees music & art 大大樹音樂圖像

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