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Liudui: Profiles of People from a Hakka Village


Liudui is a Hakka village at the border of Pingtung and Kaohsiung Counties. The Hakka people here have lived in the area for nearly 300 years, and maintain a distinct culture and lifestyle. This series of short films illuminates the difficulties and changes faced by small agricultural communities in Taiwan today. 

1.Una 是客家人嗎? Is Una Hakka?

馬躍・比吼 Mayaw Biho 
2013 | 台灣 Taiwan | 25 min

Una是客家人嗎?從小在高雄那瑪夏達卡努瓦村長大,家裡有竹東的遠親,兒時記憶中有酸菜、鹹魚、醃筍和甜粿。2011年,Una出發尋找失散五十年的母系客家遠親。旅程的尾聲,Una發現家族的歷史秘密,卻對「身份認同」的定義更加迷惑… 。從小在卡那卡那富(Kanakanavu)圈子中生活,講流利的布農語,飲食習慣則來自母系客家傳統,到底,Una是哪裡人? 

Una ponders his identity. He grew up speaking the Bunun language in line with his Aboriginal heritage, but ate Hakka food cooked by his Hakka mother. 

◎ 放映場次:10/24 1230

2.高樹  Gaushu

吳耀東 Wu Yao-Tung
2013 | 台灣 Taiwan | 25 min


Three people, three stories, a microcosm of modern Taiwanese society: A retired high school principal nearly 100 years old, a middle-aged man who left the city to work on his home farm but still dreams of being a painter, and a 20-year-old gangster. 

◎ 放映場次:10/25 1230

3.火庄遊俠  The White Knight of Fire Village

陳博文 Chen Po-Wen
2015 | 台灣 Taiwan | 23 min


In a small Hakka village of Liudui in southern Taiwan, a local eccentric named Wen-jun is known for spending the day collecting scrap metal. He sells the metal and uses the money to buy food 
for the homeless people who spend their days at a local public park.

◎ 放映場次:10/26 1230

4.阿秋綜藝團  The A-huo Entertainment Troupe

蔡一峰 Tsai Yi-Feng
2010 | 台灣 Taiwan | 20 min

跑遍屏東新埤各地的「阿秋綜藝團」,經營婚喪喜慶的康樂演出。河洛人出身的團長阿輝哥,同時擔任客家「禮生」的祭典主持角色 。從拜天公學起,二十多年來,客庄許多慶典場合都看得見阿輝哥的身影。河洛與客家,無法分割的二個文化紋理;從綜藝表演到儀式祭典,轉換於迴異角色,以歡笑經營阿秋綜藝團,笑看百態人生。

In this village in Pingtung County, it is growing harder to find people who know how to conduct ceremony rites in according with Hakka customs. Enter A-Hui, an ethnic Hoklo who runs a local folk entertainment troupe. At the age of 40, he decided to learn speak the Hakka language and perform the rites to help maintain some disappearing Hakka traditions. 

◎ 放映場次:10/27 1230

5.春天的對話  Spring Dialogue

黃琇怡 Huang Hsiu-Yi 
2010 | 台灣 Taiwan | 23 min


Two friends in a small town: one left home, the other stayed. Chia-ba left to go to university, graduated and returned to "take care of the land." The who one stayed, Pang-zi, stayed to work at an elderly home. Their lives drift apart but come together again — a story told in MSN message threads.

◎ 放映場次:10/28 1230

copyright 2016 trees music & art 大大樹音樂圖像

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