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Cloud Nation




Cloud Nation

黃信堯 Huang Hsin-Yao
2015 | 台灣 Taiwan | 57 min



Yonaguni is an island on the far western end of Japan, just 100 kilometers from Taiwan, the director’s land of birth. The documentary focuses on a group of Yonaguni residents who decide they want the island to declare independence and establish relations with Taiwan. As two islands, Yonaguni and Taiwan share a kinship, with one politically beholden to Japan and the other to China. As the director writes of the residents: "Existence to them is a heavy burden...I realized that whether it's people, land or life, you only exist after you have been forgotten by the world."


★2015 台北電影節

★2016 台灣國際紀錄片影展

◎ 放映場次:10/23 1300 導演出席映後 | 10/25 1930  

copyright 2016 trees music & art 大大樹音樂圖像

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