Birds on a Wire
音樂能帶我們走多遠?歌謠走過思想的沃土、記取每一個躁動著思潮的時代。「唱作人」(singer-songwriter)如 Leonard Cohen、Bob Dylan 反覆吟唸、細述的,是洞悉時代的真理,是眾多無聲者覺醒、認同並渴望傳遞的理念精神。在此價值混淆的時代,我們仰賴時代之歌,飄洋散落在每塊不平靜的土地,引領土地上生活的人們繼續前進。
The modern song owes much to Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen, both of whom elevated the practice of songwriting and made it one of the great art forms of today. Along with their peers who emerged in the 1960s, Dylan, Cohen and their peers innovated new ways of telling stories through music. Thanks to them, we continue to rely on songs to cope with an ever-changing world, to seek truth in our lives and to understand the human condition. To honor this legacy, and in appreciation of these “birds on a wire,” we present a film program that asks a simple question: Just how far can music take us?

◎ 2014 | 泰國 Thailand、英國 UK | 82 min
◎ 導演 Director | 瓦拉盧克.希蘭斯勒塔瓦特.艾弗里 Waraluck Hiransrettawat Every、
大衛・里夫 David Reeve
▌放映場次 Schedule
► 10/22(日)Sun. 13:00
► 10/24(二)Tue. 19:00
音樂共和國 Y/our Music

桐潘 Tongpan
◎ 1977 | 泰國 Thailand | 60 min ✭ 台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere ✭ 開幕片 Opening Film
◎ 導演 Director | 蘇拉猜.「芽」Surachai ‘Nga Caravan’ Jantimathawn、尤塔納.穆達薩尼 Euthana Mookdasanit、拉薩米.保盧恩桐 Rassamee Paolueangtong、帕仲.萊薩谷 Paijong Laisakul
▌放映場次 Schedule
► 10/20(五)Fri. 19:30 【開幕場 Opening Event】
► 10/21(六)Sat. 16:20 【咖啡座——導演開講】蘇拉猜 Surachai ‘Nga Caravan’ Jantimathawn
尋找甜秘客 Searching for Sugar Man
◎ 2012 | 瑞典 Sweden、英國 UK | 85 min
◎ 導演 Director | 馬力克.班德傑勞 Malik Bendjelloul
▌放映場次 Schedule
► 10/22(日)Sun. 18:30

◎ 2016 | 美國 USA、利比亞 Libya | 88 min ✭ 台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
◎ 導演 Director | 馬修.米蘭 Matthew Millan
▌放映場次 Schedule
► 10/21(六)Sat. 10:30
► 10/25(三)Wed. 19:00
刀槍也難敵 Stronger than Bullets
◎ 2017 | 加拿大 Canada | 101 min ✭ 亞洲首映 Asia Premiere
◎ 導演 Director | 馬里.克萊門茨 Marie Clements
▌放映場次 Schedule
► 10/21(六)Sat. 12:30
► 10/26(四)Thur. 14:00