Festival Bar
After NNFF’s evening screenings, stop by the festival’s “Borders Bar” for a nightcap.
◎ 憑影展任一場次票根,即可享以優惠價格享用特調酒品。
Show your ticket stub to get a discount on a special cocktail.
► 地點 | 客家音樂戲劇中心 1 樓藝文沙龍
► Location | Hakka Music and Theater Center, 1st Floor Salon
Bringing It All Back Home with Azmyl Yunor
▍樂人 Solo | 阿茲米.由諾 Azmyl Yunor(馬來西亞 Malaysia)
▍時間 Time | 22:00
由馬來西亞獨立音樂先驅「阿茲米」一人 hold 全場,集民謠搖滾、龐克、純音樂與實驗性噪音搖滾於一身,若硬是要用樂種來定類他,還不如不要辦這場音樂會。這位視音樂界線為浮雲的樂人,將帶給觀眾們絕對驚喜的聽覺震撼與享受,影展限定,錯過不再,也歡迎勇者即興挑戰。
Join us for an evening of witty, thoughtful folk rock from Azmyl Yunor, a DIY pioneer in Malaysia’s indie scene. Azmyl’s brand of solo singer-songwriter fare, informed by his appreciation for and participation in other punk and experimental rock projects, will keep everyone’s spirits up after the festival screenings on Oct. 21.

星期六 Sat.
星期六 Sat.
FREE entry w/
ticket stub
Electronica Mirage / Closing Mini-Party
▍現場 DJ | DJ David Geer(德國 Germany)
▍時間 Time | 22:00
抱歉,本音樂現場沒有俗套的 DJ「打碟」雜技,卻有古典樂跨界而來勾魂噪音。以變幻莫測的音符與節奏,讓古老的意第緖音樂語境與現代次文化電音平行交錯。電影院搖身變夜店,近一周的光影偶戲音像演出,和影人、樂人、策展人、工作人員、以及參與其中的觀影者,在富節奏性與實驗性的音符重組下,細細回味這趟敘事之旅。
After the performance on Oct. 28, all are welcome to join the party on the 1st floor of the Hakka Music and Theater Center, as directors, curators, staff and film-goers gather together to celebrate the closing of this year’s NNFF. DJ David Geer from Germany will provide the music, spinning his unique blend of classically-influenced, world beat electronica.
