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音樂能帶我們走多遠?歌謠走過思想的沃土、記取每一個躁動著思潮的時代。「唱作人」(singer-songwriter)如 Leonard Cohen、Bob Dylan 反覆吟唸、細述的,是洞悉時代的真理,是眾多無聲者覺醒、認同並渴望傳遞的理念精神。在此價值混淆的時代,我們仰賴時代之歌,飄洋散落在每塊不平靜的土地,引領土地上生活的人們繼續前進。

The modern song owes much to Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen, both of whom elevated the practice of songwriting and made it one of the great art forms of today. Along with their peers who emerged in the 1960s, Dylan, Cohen and their peers innovated new ways of telling stories through music. Thanks to them, we continue to rely on songs to cope with an ever-changing world, to seek truth in our lives and to understand the human condition. To honor this legacy, and in appreciation of these “birds on a wire,” we present a film program that asks a simple question: Just how far can music take us?

片單 ► 桐潘 Tongpan | 尋找甜秘客 Searching for Sugar Man | 刀槍也難敵 Stronger than Bullets | 向前行 The Road Forward | 尋覓李雙澤 Salute, José Lee | 我們唱著的歌 The Songs We Sang | 記一張反水庫CD的誕生 Remembering the CD that Opposed the Dam | 縣道184之東 County Road 184 | 做戲、唱歌,幹啥?After All These Years | 音樂共和國 Y/our Music

時代與歌 Birds on a Wire


Countless stories, lingering like ghosts, waiting to be heard: if the past teaches us anything, it’s that “history” is meant to be re-examined and retold. This film series focuses on an oft-overlooked corner of the world, Southeast Asia, a place that still bears deep scars from war tied to colonialist endeavors and authoritarian regimes. These films seek to unravel new narratives from the past and to bring to light forgotten events and people whose stories need to be told, heard and read.

片單蚊子報特寫 Portraits of Mosquito Press | 貧困之翼 Nanay Mameng | 不即不離 Absent Without Leave | 厝哪山芭邊 Tanah Airku | 波法娜:柬埔寨悲歌 Bophana: A Cambodian Tragedy | 流放歲月 Exile「零」先生 Mr. Zero | 駕崩之日 Sawankhalai | 東所 The Treaonists | 壓迫者 Mwathirika


記憶之魂 History Re/Vision: Recovering the Soul of Memory

漂流群庄 City Borders


NNFF’s “City Borders” series aims to expose viewers to urban life beyond one’s immediate, familiar surroundings. In particular, City Borders spotlights the world of ordinary people coping with issues related to migration, generational change, globalization and capitalism. This year’s films looks at people at the fringes of society in cities across Asia, including the elderly Hakka in Ninghua, a city in China’s Fujian Province, 3rd generation Pakistani immigrants living in Indonesia, a young Burmese girl living at the Thai-Myanmar Border and a young Vietnamese woman in Taiwan.

片單辛瑪琳的人生 Sinmalin | 落地尋根 Who Are We, Here We Are | 尋找落定朝 Finding Samuel Lowe: From Harlem to China | 大市場小故事 The Red Lantern of Sargede | 春社謠 Ballad of Chun She神戲 The Immortal's Play | 千絲萬縷 A Million Threads

流動之河 In Between


Our concepts of gender are shaped greatly by family, school and society. So when one’s gender falls outside of mainstream expectations, what happens then? In this segment of the NNFF, “In Between,” we explore this question through documentary film subjects that include Taiwanese men who identify as female and Thai teenagers grappling with non-traditional gender roles. From the city to the village, from old to young, we hear directly from people who must struggle to define themselves on their own terms.

片單曼谷青春紀事 #BKKY | 山中美姬 The Beauties in the Mountain | 跨性夏威夷 Kumu Hina | 一念之間 Consider | 他們的少女夢 To be a Better Man

便當電影院 Bento Cinema


For the “Bento Cinema” series, we welcome and encourage visitors to bring their own lunches to these noontime screenings. The films cover topics related to local communities in Taiwan and Southeast Asia.

片單我校、我家、我村 My School, My Family, My Village田.滿 More Rice Field, More Happiness穀子.穀子 Rice, Rice | 山凹肚那家人 The Family in the Family | 一棚冇唱完的大戲 Sing for Me, Siou Man Huang

★ 本單元放映皆為免費入場,無需購票 Free Entry

放映地點 | 客家音樂戲劇中心1樓藝文沙龍 Hakka Music and Theater Center, 1st Floor Salon

© 2017 by trees music & art . All rights reserved. 


Commissioned & Directed by


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Programmed and Produced by




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