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做戲、唱歌,幹啥? After All These Years

郭達年 Lenny Kwok

50 年代出生於香港,少年時期深受西洋民謠、搖滾樂介入社會的思潮影響,以文字、音樂、影像投入社會行動。七零年代創地下樂隊「黑鳥」,身兼主唱與吉他手,80 年代末出版《東方紅》、《宣言》、《活此一生》和《民眾擁有力量》等專輯。樂曲訊息明確,以追尋公義和自由為主,帶有強烈反抗性格,對 80 年代香港青年世代影響深遠。「黑鳥」共發行七張專輯、兩部自傳式紀錄片:《黑鳥》(1987)、《做戲、唱歌,幹啥?》與一本書籍《在黑夜的死寂中歌唱》。1999年樂隊解散後,以個人身份持續創作,並活躍於香港社會運動。

Lenny Kwok is the founder of the Hong Kong underground rock band Blackbird. Kwok, who was born in the 1950s, sought to combine his anarchist-libertarian political beliefs with rock music, two core elements of Blackbird’s sound. Formed in the 1980s, Blackbird is considered one of Hong Kong’s seminal underground rock bands. They recorded seven albums before disbanding in 1999. Kwok remains active today as a songwriter, filmmaker, writer and activist.

● 作品年表 Filmography


1987 《黑鳥》Blackbird

1998 《做戲、唱歌,幹啥?》After All These Years

70 年代,香港一群激進青年將西歐思潮引進社會,化為行動,衍生了兩個以藝術介入社會抗爭的團體——「民眾劇場」及「黑鳥」樂隊,後者更為社運音樂史劃下重要標記。「民眾劇場」創辦人自資拍攝十六釐米《黑鳥》紀錄片,成為記錄該團的最早影像,也側錄了 80 年代的香港政治藝術場景,兩團持續活躍直到九七香港回歸。繼《黑鳥》之後,本片整合「民眾」與「黑鳥」的紀錄,用時序性的剪接感性檢視,省思過去並探索願景。影片沒有導演,亦不求論述式分析,讓行動成為紀實的核心,個人的陳述與討論串聯成集體思路,映現一代人在自主思維與現實間的拉扯抵抗。

“After All These Years” is an autobiographical documentary by the members of Blackbird, the veteran folk-rock protest band from Hong Kong. A follow-up to a previous band documentary, “A Living Song,” the film traces the band’s theatrical and musical performances from the 1980s until the return of Hong Kong to Chinese rule in 1997. The film also offers a glimpse of the band members’ views on the tension between creativity and societal/political expectations.

影片介紹 Synopsis 

▌導演介紹 Director

◎ 1998|香港 Hong Kong|106 min

◎ 導演 Director | 郭達年 Lenny Kwok

放映場次 Schedule

► 10/22(日)Sun. 10:00 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

10/24(二)Tue. 14:00 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

© 2017 by trees music & art . All rights reserved. 


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