尋覓李雙澤 Salute, José Lee
楊祖珺 tc yang
1955 年出生於台北,70 年代就讀淡江,響應李雙澤「唱自己的歌」,成為校園民歌運動重要推手,發行同名專輯,但因專輯意識與時代敏感——如〈美麗島〉等歌,被政府全面封殺禁唱。後期投入黨外運動,成為民進黨創黨元老、黨外運動雜誌創辦人。2011 取得美國麻州大學分校傳播學哲學博士,先後在文化大學、台南藝術大學任教,持續參與社會運動和演出。專輯作品有《楊祖珺》(1979)、《黨外的聲音與新生的歌謠》(1980)、《大地是我的母親》(1986)與《關不住的歌聲》(2008)。《尋覓李雙澤》為她首部紀錄片。
Born in 1955, singer and scholar tc yang is best known as a Taiwanese folk music pioneer and social activist. In the 1970s, she became famous for her rendition of the iconic song “Meili Dao” (Beautiful Island), and was considered one of the best singers from the “campus folk music” movement. But after the repressive KMT regime started to impose strict censorship on performers, she shifted to political activism, joining the pro-democracy movement that eventually led to the lifting of martial law in the country in the late 1980s. After running an underground social issues publication during the 1980s, Yang eventually left for the US, where she earned a PhD in cultural studies from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She now teaches as a professor at Chinese Culture University and the Tainan University of the Arts. “Salute, José Lee" is her first film.
● 作品年表 Filmography
2017 《尋覓李雙澤》Salute, José Lee

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2016 年,侯季然拍了一部民歌紀錄片——《四十年》,影片從風雨飄搖的 1970 年代開始,以推動民歌風潮的廣播主持人陶曉清為敘事主軸,不張揚地把英年早逝,難以再臨現場的李雙澤置入影片。四十年來,李雙澤從民歌運動發起者,變成近乎〈美麗島〉這首歌曲的附屬品,他高大黝黑的身影、粗曠瀟灑的風格,嘲諷中閃動的質樸以及深邃細膩的思想,都悄悄隱沒在民歌運動史,鮮少被留意。本片是當年響應「唱自己的歌」而成為校園民歌重要推手的楊祖珺,為了紀念李雙澤捨身救人,逝世四十周年所拍,片中重返 1976 年 12 月 3 日淡江民謠演唱會的「可口可樂事件」,以接近真實的面貌,重溫那蓄勢待發的 70 年代。
Taiwan’s modern folk music roots can be traced back to the “campus folk song” wave of the 1970s. This documentary focuses one of the prime figures in that movement, José Lee (in Mandarin, Lee Shuang-tze). At a fabled concert in 1976, Lee appealed to aspiring performers to “sing our own songs” instead of rehashing Western folk standards. Lee wrote the music to “Meili Dao” (lit. “Beautiful Island”), which was once banned by Taiwanese government censors but became an iconic song for the pro-democracy movement. Lee died in a tragic accident in 1977. tc yang (Yang Tzu-chun), a singer and scholar who recorded the best-known version of “Meili Dao,” makes her directorial debut with this film, a tribute to Lee’s life and his contribution to Taiwanese music.
▌影片介紹 Synopsis
▌導演介紹 Director
◎ 2017 | 台灣 Taiwan | 30 min
◎ 導演 Director | 楊祖珺 tc yang
▌放映場次 Schedule
► 10/22(日)Sun. 14:50【17:20 咖啡座 Coffee Talk】導演開講——楊祖珺 tc yang / 客家文化中心 3 樓放映室外廊道 Outside of the Screening Room, 3rd Floor of the Hakka Cultural Center