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向前行 The Road Forward

馬里.克萊門茨 Marie Clements

加拿大梅蒂人(Métis),1962 年出生於溫哥華。1980 年代從事記者工作與電台撰稿人,領域跨足電影、電視、廣播、現場表演與戲劇,並擔任表演、編劇、導演和製作等職務。電影作品包括紀錄短片《The Language of Love》(2012)、劇情短片《Pilgrims》(2013)、紀錄片《Number 14》(2015),獲國內外影展肯定。現為 Red Diva 計畫藝術總監,並創立「MCM」媒體公司與「Working Pajama Lab」工作室專職從事影像創作。

Marie Clements (Métis/Dene) is an award-winning writer, director and producer of film, television, radio, new media and live performance. Her work as a filmmaker includes the award-winning 2015 docudrama “Number 14” and the 2013 short drama “Pilgrims,” which screened at TIFF and Telefilm Canada’s Not Short on Talent program at the Cannes Market. Her short documentary “The Language of Love” was an official selection at Hot Docs in 2012. The film production of Clements’ screenplay “Unnatural and Accidental” premiered at the MoMA Film Festival in New York and also screened at TIFF.

● 作品年表 Filmography

2012 The Language of Love

2013 Pilgrims

2015 Number 14

2017《向前行》The Road Forward


1930 年代,古老的原住民兄弟會與姐妹會相繼組成,一份在地報紙《The Native Voice》由女性率先領軍,撰寫被迫害、貧苦無依的原住民故事,最後成為政治行動的強大根基;1980 年,兩班從溫哥華前往渥太華的列車開駛,目標是動員全國各地的原住民,向聯邦政府喊話,捍衛憲法屬於他們的人民權利。本片導演受該報感動啟發,邀請作曲家珍妮弗.克雷斯伯格(Jennifer Kreisberg)合作創作多首承載歷史記憶的歌謠。影片採訪運動相關人士與藝術家,以音樂疊合過去與現在;用行動致敬前人身影,號召當下。

“The Road Forward” is a musical documentary that traces the history of the indigenous rights movement in Canada. Through interviews with key members of the Native Brotherhood and Native Sisterhood, Canada’s oldest First Nations organizations, the film sheds light on the racist politics that inspired a social movement, and how a small newspaper galvanized the indigenous peoples of British Columbia to organize socially, politically and legally to effect change nationwide. The documentary is interspersed with rousing musical sequences by some of Canada’s finest vocalists and musicians, who perform songs based on stories of the First Nations people.

影片介紹 Synopsis 

▌導演介紹 Director

◎ 2017 | 加拿大 Canada | 101 min ★亞洲首映 Asia Premiere

◎ 導演 Director | 馬里.克萊門茨 Marie Clements

2017 Hot Docs 加拿大 Hot Docs 國際紀錄片電影節選片

2017 DOXA 加拿大 DOXA 國際紀錄片電影節選片

放映場次 Schedule

► 10/21(六)Sat. 12:30 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

► 10/26(四)Thur. 14:00 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

© 2017 by trees music & art . All rights reserved. 


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