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尋找甜秘客 Searching for Sugar Man

馬力克.班德傑勞 Malik Bendjelloul

1977 年出生於瑞典,1990 年代末進入瑞典電視台,製作一系列音樂人紀錄短片:德國電子搖滾樂團發電廠樂團(Kraftwerk)、碧玉(Björk)、艾爾頓強(Elton John)、U2等。2006 年到非洲旅行挖崛題材,結識《尋找甜祕客》的關鍵人物,促成影片拍攝原因。馬力克為拍攝此片用盡積蓄,後期更因無經費,以智慧型手機完成最終階段的拍攝工作,本片是他的首部紀錄長片,獲奧斯卡最佳紀錄片肯定。2014 年 5 月 13 日逝世,享年 36 歲。

Swedish director Malik Bendjelloul’s first film was a 2001 documentary about German electronica pioneers Kraftwerk. For other documentary projects, he has collaborated with iconic artists such as Björk, Sting, Elton John, Madonna and Prince.


Bendjelloul also once worked as director and creative producer for Swedish Television’s international cultural weekly show Kobra, for which he produced documentary shorts on a wide range of stories. Past subjects of these films include Alfred Merhan, a man who has been living in Charles de Gaulle airport for 18 years and became the inspiration for Steven Spielberg's “The Terminal,” and the First Earth Battalion, the American army division who tried to teach their soldiers to walk through walls.

● 作品年表 Filmography

2012 《尋找甜秘客》Searching for Sugar Man

1970 年,巴布.狄倫(Bob Dylan)聲勢如日中天時,在音樂之都底特律,兩位製作人正為民謠創作者羅利葛斯(Sixto Rodriguez)製作第一張專輯《冷冰真相》(Cold Fact),他們大膽預言羅利葛斯將是下一位巴布.狄倫,然而事與願違。1971年,羅利葛斯錄製第二張專輯《真實歸來》(Coming from Reality),銷售依舊慘淡,羅利葛斯從此消聲匿跡。然而歌詞的誠實與反叛性格,橫越大西洋,傳到保守的南非,「反體制」的創作精神成為當地青年反對種族隔離政策的主題音樂,無數拷貝流傳,聲名更勝滾石樂團。但這一切羅利葛斯毫不知情,南非樂迷對他也一無所知,甚至謠傳他在舞台上自焚,結束失意的生命。本片導演紀錄了南非記者與樂迷自發調查羅利葛斯身份的戲劇性歷程,看音樂如何飄洋過海,啟發自由意識;也看主角不逐名利的謙卑處世。

In the early 1970s, Sixto Rodriguez was a Detroit folksinger who had a short-lived recording career and released only two well-received but poor-selling albums. Unknown to Rodriguez, his musical story continued in South Africa, where he was regarded as a pop music icon and inspiration for generations. Long rumored to be dead by suicide, a few fans in the 1990s decided to seek out the truth of their hero's fate. What follows is a bizarre but heartening story in which they found far more in their quest than they had ever hoped, while a Detroit construction laborer discovers that his artistic dreams had come true after all.

影片介紹 Synopsis 

▌導演介紹 Director

◎ 2012 | 瑞典 Sweden、英國 UK | 85 min

◎ 導演 Director | 馬力克.班德傑勞 Malik Bendjelloul

2012 Jury Prize, Audience Award, Sundance Film Festival


2013 Best Documentary, USA Academy Awards


2013 Best Documentary, National Board of Review


2013 Best Documentary Film, BAFTA Awards


▌放映場次 Schedule

 10/22(日)Sun. 18:30 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

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