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記一張反水庫 CD 的誕生

Remembering the CD that Opposed the Dam

林筱芳 Lin Hsiao-fang

1972 年出生,移居台北的美濃第二代。目前就讀台南藝術大學藝術理論創作研究所博士班,進行當代藝術的檔案影像之相關研究與創作。早期的創作源起於個人情感和記憶,於 1996 年返回美濃蹲點觀察,以家庭相簿與民族誌紀錄片方式展開個人認同追尋與返鄉路徑。相關作品有《褪色的藍衫》(1999)記錄四位姑姑的客家女性生命史;社會運動紀錄片《記一張反水庫 CD 的誕生》(1999);探討台灣新移民女性議題的紀錄片《外藉新娘在美濃》(2001)。

Born in 1972, filmmaker Lin Hsiao-fang is a second generation Meinung resident now based in Taipei. She graduated from National Chengchi University and studied film production at Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York. She is currently a PhD candidate at Tainan National University of the Arts, where she is incorporating contemporary multimedia into her current film work. “Remembering the CD that Opposed the Dam” is part of a series of films she made about Hakka life in Meinung in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

● 作品年表 Filmography

1999《記一張反水庫 CD 的誕生》Remembering the CD that Opposed the Dam

1999《褪色的藍衫》Faded Blue Garment

2001《外籍新娘在美濃》Foreign Brides in Meinung


“Remembering the CD that Opposed the Dam” is a short documentary about the Labor Exchange Band’s seminal 1999 protest album “Let Us Sing Mountain Songs.” Both the folk-rock band and the album were born out of a grassroots protest movement opposing the Taiwanese government’s plans to build a dam that would have wiped out Meinung, a Hakka village in southern Taiwan. The album became an anthem for the movement, and Labor Exchange is still regarded as one of Taiwan’s most influential and beloved independent rock bands. This short film, made by Meinung native Lin Hsiao-fang, offers a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the album, and frames the music in a larger context of the anti-dam movement.

影片介紹 Synopsis 

▌導演介紹 Director

◎ 1999|台灣 Taiwan|12 min

◎ 導演 Director | 林筱芳 Lin Hsiao-fang

放映場次 Schedule

► 10/21(六)Sat. 14:30 【導演映後座談 Director Q&A】林筱芳 Lin Hsiao-fang / 客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

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