◎ 1977 | 泰國 Thailand | 60 min ✭ 台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere ☆ 開幕片 Opening Film
◎ 導演 Director | 蘇拉猜 Surachai ‘Nga Caravan’ Jantimathawn、尤塔納.穆達薩尼 Euthana Mookdasanit、拉薩米.保盧恩桐 Rassamee Paolueangtong、帕仲.萊薩谷 Paijong Laisakul
▌放映場次 Schedule
► 10/20(五)Fri. 19:30 【開幕場 Opening Event】時代與歌:亞洲異議歌謠之夜
Birds on a Wire: An Evening of Protest Songs from Asia / 客家音樂戲劇中心 2 樓劇場 Hakka Music and Theater Center, 2nd Floor Theater
► 10/21(六)Sat. 16:20 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室
【咖啡座 Coffee Talk——導演開講 Director's Forum】蘇拉猜 Surachai ‘Nga Caravan’ Jantimathawn /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室外廊道 Outside of the Screening Room, 3rd Floor of the Hakka Cultural Center
桐潘 Tongpan
蘇拉猜.芽.卡拉凡 Surachai ‘Nga Caravan’ Jantimathawn、尤塔納.穆達薩尼Euthana Mookdasanit、拉薩米.保盧恩桐 Rassamee Paolueangtong、帕仲.萊薩谷 Paijong Laisakul
本片製作團隊來自一群參與 1973 年泰國學運的藝術學院學生。導演之一蘇拉猜,也是本片音樂創作者,1948 年出生於泰國東北素林府,70 年代學生運動風起雲湧之際,創立了左翼樂隊 Caravan,為底層農民發聲。1976 年曼谷爆發血腥鎮壓,製作團隊與學生運動者被迫逃往泰寮邊界,加入山邊共產游擊隊,直至 1979 年大赦才結束流亡生涯。蘇拉猜在影像、音樂與文學領域皆獲肯定與貢獻,2011 年獲頒泰國最高榮譽的桂冠詩人獎。
The Isan Film Collective is composed of Thai countercultural and student activists who promoted socialist ideals and supported the pro-democracy movement of the mid-1970s. One key member of this group includes Surachai Jantimathawn, who is considered the “father of folk rock” in Thailand. Surachai, who hails from the Isan region in Northeastern Thailand, incorporates “Morlam” folk music into his songs, many of which depict the lives of rural workers and the underprivileged classes.

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1975 年,泰國剛迎向民主化,人人都想像建設更美好的國家,一場擬議討論興建湄公河水壩的研討會即將舉行,大學生從曼谷出發到泰寮邊界,邀請當地村民參與研討會,希望聽到在地聲音。貧苦的農夫桐潘曾因另一座水壩的興建而失去土地,落得身無分文的窘境,前往研討會發聲成為絕境中掙扎的唯一曙光。然而集結政府官員、工程專家與知識份子的會議,還有桐潘發言的空間嗎?
本片以十六釐米黑白影像拍攝,團隊來自參與 1973 年泰國民主運動之學生,根據 1975 年實際發生的 Pa-Mong 水庫研討會改編。桐潘是底層小人物的真實肖像,也是泰國現代史的縮影。影像在僵化的會議與悠揚鄉村風景間往返,拉出一味著迷進步建設的質疑省思,東北傳統民歌的紀實元素,刻劃下真實的庶民記憶。本片因強烈的社會主義色彩遭禁演,加上旋即爆發 1976 年血腥屠殺,直到 2006 年才重見天日。然而,人權、水源、土地與全球化,仍是這個國家盤旋不去的的關鍵議題,這部七零年代的影像檔案,本身即是歷史,也是預言。
This documentary re-stages a pivotal meeting in Northeastern Thailand’s rural Isan countryside in 1975. The seminar was being held to discuss the pending construction of the Pa-Mong Dam, and was attended by local residents, government officials, students and foreign officials, each of whom shared differing opinions on whether the dam should be built. The re-dramatized film centers on “Tongpan,” a local farmer who had previously lost his land to the construction of another dam. In the film, Tongpan is approached by student activists, who try to convince him to share his story at the seminar, and to join their struggle to stop construction of the dam.
Shot in 16mm with a largely non-professional cast, “Tongpan” fragments and disrupts our sense of realism, highlighting the distance between the intelligentsia and the lives of the rural peasants.
▌影片介紹 Synopsis
▌導演介紹 Directors
——英國電影協會(British Film Institute)