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我們唱著的歌 The Songs We Sang

鄧寶翠  Eva Tang

1971 年出生於新加坡,於香港大學主修比較文學,曾獲香港中文文學獎散文首獎,英國國立電影電視學院(NFTS)導演系碩士學位。學生短片《當妳沉睡時》(2002)是首部入選威尼斯電影節的新加坡短片。後入選 2010 台北金馬電影學院、義大利都靈電影實驗室、2009 柏林影展新銳營。《我們唱著的歌》是她的首部紀錄長片,記錄 1980 年代掘起的新謠,更旁證新加坡華文教育的衰亡轉折,被當地媒體評選為年度最佳電影之一,也創下新加坡紀錄片的票房紀錄。

Born in 1971, Eva Tang is a Singaporean writer and director. She won Hong Kong’s most esteemed Chinese Literature Award while an undergraduate at the University of Hong Kong, and went on to earn an MA in fiction directing at the National Film and Television School in the UK. The Songs We Sang (2015) is her debut feature documentary, which was widely praised by Singapore media and audiences as one of the best films of the year, and set a new box office record there for independent documentary. Eva is currently working on her debut feature film.

● 作品年表 Filmography

2016 《我們唱著的歌》The Songs We Sang

2017 《柳影袈裟》The Veiled Willow

70 年代台灣的民歌風潮,吹到新加坡,掀起 80 年代的「新謠」浪潮。當 80 年代新加坡青年自問:「我們的歌在哪裡?」呼喚的是本地學子們的自我創作,對應的是華文即將失根的認同危機。70 年代末至 80 年代初,新加坡考慮經濟發展,廢除華校制度,全面推行英語教學,當代表華文最高學府的南洋大學失守併入新加坡大學,更是衝擊一整個世代的新加坡華人。面對華語的滅絕,一群青年積極以歌尋回消逝的文化,用歌謠延續語言的生命力。本片呈現「彈彈新謠,談談新謠」的歷程,藉談新謠浪潮的始末,記錄新加坡華文的興衰,並紀念那些還能以流暢華語應答的時代見證者。

“The Songs We Sang” looks at the birth and development of “Xinyao” (lit. “songs composed by Singapore youth), and its contribution to Singapore’s collective artistic and cultural heritage. Xinyao was the music sung by Mandarin-speaking students across university campuses in the 1980s, and it became a nationwide phenomenon with themes covering coming of age, idealism and innocence. Today, Xinyao lives on as a heavily commercialized part of Singaporean pop culture, which makes this film even more relevant. Director Eva Tang offers a deeper, more nuanced view of the history behind this homegrown music.  

影片介紹 Synopsis 

▌導演介紹 Director

◎ 2015 | 新加坡 Singapore | 110 min

◎ 導演 Director | 鄧寶翠  Eva Tang

2016 TGHFF 金馬影展

2016 Shanghai International Film & TV Festival 上海國際電影節

2016 SGIFF 新加坡國際電影節

2016 FFD Yogyakarta 印尼日惹紀錄片節

放映場次 Schedule

► 10/22(日)Sun. 14:50 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

► 10/28(六)Sat. 10:00 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

© 2017 by trees music & art . All rights reserved. 


Commissioned & Directed by


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