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刀槍也難敵 Stronger than Bullets

馬修.米蘭 Matthew Millan

畢業於美國聖塔克魯茲加利福尼亞大學(UCSC)物理系,曾任工程師。創立影像工作室 180 Films,曾有十五年的拍製經驗,創作過廣告、MV、紀錄片等。曾至印度的拉達克雪峰、北越的法外邊境等艱困地區拍攝。2011 年赴利比亞拍製《刀槍也難敵》,期間先完成利比亞革命前期紀錄短片《We Win or We Die》(2011)。近期作品是紀錄美國基督教徒與穆斯林相互理解的推行運動歷程。

Director Matthew Millan traveled to Libya in 2011 to witness the uprising firsthand, and wound up documenting a “music revolution” that became the subject of his first feature, “Stronger than Bullets.” While there, he also directed the award-winning “We Win or We Die,” a documentary short about the early days of the Libyan revolution. His most recent project was a video campaign designed to promote understanding between American Christians and Muslims. He has a Physics degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

● 作品年表 Filmography

2008 Ghost of Ladakh

2011 We Win or We Die

2016《刀槍也難敵》Stronger than Bullets

1985 年利比亞,一片烈火中,成堆的樂器因獨裁者格達費(Muammar Gaddafi)的禁令,被大批焚燒、銷毀,從此噤聲。2011 年 2 月,人民群起反抗格達費長達 42 年的獨裁統治。在血腥的革命中,吉他與民兵步槍站到第一線,成為革命的武器。



“Stronger than Bullets” follows the lives of a group of Libyan musicians during the revolution against Muammar Gaddafi in Libya in 2011, post Arab Spring. The musicians featured in the film come from all walks of life and musical backgrounds. There are soldiers, preachers and ordinary citizens who play folk, rock, hip-hop and metal. Some musicians are compelled to take up weapons; one wields both a gun and a guitar. The film looks at how a bloody conflict challenged their lives, and how their art served as a respite and pillar of hope for the future.

影片介紹 Synopsis 

▌導演介紹 Director

◎ 2016 | 美國 USA、利比亞 Libya | 88 min ★台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere

◎ 導演 Director | 馬修.米蘭 Matthew Millan

2016 Best Feature Documentary, Woodstock Film Festival


2016 Press Award, Santa Fe Film Festival


2017 Best Original Film Score, Seeyousound International Music Film Festival


2017 Best Documentary, Central Coast Filmmaker, SLO International Film Festival


放映場次 Schedule

► 10/21(六)Sat. 10:30 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

► 10/25(三)Wed. 19:00 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

© 2017 by trees music & art . All rights reserved. 


Commissioned & Directed by


Organized by


Programmed and Produced by




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