音樂共和國 Y/our Music
瓦拉盧克.希蘭斯勒塔瓦特.艾弗里 Waraluck Hiransrettawat Every
泰國獨立製片與導演。於倫敦媒體學院進修聲音工程學。曾在泰國 Jingle Bells 擔任聲音製作人,目前專注參與影像製作與拍攝紀錄片。作品關心音樂與人的關係,有講述愛、失落與記憶的《調音師》(2009)劇情短片;以泰國新成立的銅管樂隊和該年洪水受害者為對象的紀錄片《Good Deed Ensemble》(2011)。2014 年的《音樂共和國》是她與好友大衛・里夫共同製作的紀錄長片。
Waraluck Hiransrettawat Every was born and raised in Bangkok. She has a BA in psychology and trained in commercial film production and sound engineering in the UK, her home for 10 years. Her past projects include co-directing the short film “The Piano Tuner” (2009), and the documentary “Good Deed Ensemble,” (2011), which depicted a brass band’s quest to cheer up victims of the year’s devastating floods. “Y/our Music” is Waraluck’s debut feature film, which she made with co-director David Reeve.
● 作品年表 Filmography
2009 The Piano Tuner
2011 Good Deed Ensemble
2014《音樂共和國》Y/our Music
大衛・里夫 David Reeve
自由影像工作者,曾擔任紀錄片、音樂宣傳影片、劇情短片與紀錄片剪接與創作。作品包括紀錄短片《Larry and Janet Move Out》(2013);為英國易燃物樂團(Tindersticks)樂團專輯《孤寂歲月》(Across Six Leap Years)拍攝的影片。2014年與瓦拉盧克一同製作《音樂共和國》,近期創作以橫跨音樂與設計為主軸。
David Reeve worked at the British Film Institute and distribution companies Lionsgate Films and Revolver Entertainment before embarking on a freelance career as a filmmaker. While employed as an editor on various documentaries and movie trailers, he has directed several music promos, short films, and documentaries. Other recent projects include the housing documentary “Janet and Larry Move Out,” and “Across Six Leap Years,” which followed the band Tindersticks as they recorded their album of the same name at London’s Abbey Road Studio 2.
● 作品年表 Filmography
2013 Tindersticks at Abbey Road
2014 Larry and Janet Move Out
2014《音樂共和國》Y/our Music
從曼谷音樂現場熱情華麗的電子舞曲,到菜市場收音機傳來充滿韻味的經典流行歌,再遠至泰國東北依善(Isan)地區爆發性的民族音樂,音樂無所不在,卻各有地域風味。依善,作為泰國歷史的邊緣角色,在音樂與文化認同上,於泰國人心中也是邊緣的。地理的分歧延續到音樂的生態,當攝影機從曼谷遊歷至依善,導演想探問的是「泰國的音樂認同是什麼?」本片透過九位非主流音樂人,談每個人對音樂的認同和選擇表現的形式不一。從傳統到獨立音樂,Khaen 吹奏者、Morlam 歌手、實驗性樂團與市井樂器小販,不約而同展現音樂與土地、歷史、生活的緊密關係,因為「不管是什麼音樂,讓你有感覺的就是你的音樂」。
“Y/our Music” offers a wide-ranging view of Thai music today by focusing on nine non-mainstream artists from across the country. From the rural Isan countryside to hip, urban Bangkok, the film portrays a diversity of landscapes that reflect the diversity of the artists, as well as the divisions among them due to the current state of conflict in Thai society. But despite the stark differences between the musicians and a seemingly lack of interest in each other, the film aims to show that the common thread that binds these artists together: a passion for expressing themselves within a mainstream culture that overlooks their work.
▌影片介紹 Synopsis
▌導演介紹 Directors
◎ 2014 | 泰國 Thailand、英國 UK | 82 min
◎ 導演 Director | 瓦拉盧克.希蘭斯勒塔瓦特.艾弗里 Waraluck Hiransrettawat Every、大衛・里夫 David Reeve
2014 Busan IFF Wide Angle Program
2015 SXSW
2015 Jury Prize, Best International Feature, MUVI Lisboa
2016 Nominated for Best Documentary Film, Supannahong Award
▌放映場次 Schedule
► 10/22(日)Sun. 13:00 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室
► 10/24(二)Tue. 19:00 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室