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縣道 184 之東 County Road 184

賀照緹 Ho Chao-ti

紀錄片製片人、導演,曾任報社文字記者,後期從文字記者逐漸轉為紀錄片工作者。其影像語彙豐富多元,眼光細膩,作品議題涵蓋範圍從全球化衝擊產業、台灣社會運動到社會底層家庭等,聚焦社會議題。代表作有《縣道 184 之東》(2001)、「穿在中途島」六部曲與《我愛高跟鞋》(2010)等,獲紐約當代美術館(MoMA)邀約展出。新作《只要我長大》獲美國日舞協會輔助獎,為台灣第一位獲此殊榮的導演。目前同時在 CNEX 基金會擔任台灣方製片統籌。

Ho Chao-ti is a Taiwanese director and producer whose work has centered on marginalized communities and the impacts of globalization and contemporary cultural hybridity.  Ho’s works have featured in and won awards at international film festivals across Europe, North America and Asia.  Her rich and complex cinematic vocabulary stirs the heart with an approach that is both gentle and trenchant -- one such work screened at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and her current film in progress, “Turning 18,” received a grant from the Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program.

● 作品年表 Filmography


2001《縣道 184 之東》County Road 184

2003《手風琴在路上》Squeezebox On The Road

2005《蟑螂X檔案》Cockroach Confidential


2006《炸神》The Gangster's God

2009《穿在中途島》六部曲Wandering Island Series

2010《我愛高跟鞋》My Fancy High Heels

2012 《303》Class 303

2013 《台灣黑狗兄》Sock’n’Roll

2014 《太陽.不遠》Sunflower Occupation

交工,指美濃菸農在農忙時期,農家彼此「交換勞力、互相幫助」的習俗,也是交工樂隊取命效法的精神。1999 年,交工樂隊成立,早期因反美濃水庫而受到重視,當 2000 年宣佈水庫停止興建後,他們仍在美濃菸樓錄製專輯,繼續關注農民與農村議題,因為創作的概念始終是為農民發聲。本片是台灣第一部抗爭音樂紀錄片。片中包含演出、創作歷程、反水庫抗議,以及錄製《菊花夜行軍》的片段。導演回溯交工樂隊成團之初到末了,看音樂人和社會運動,客家傳統與現代音樂交織出的在地歌謠;也聚焦細微末節,看團員談笑、點煙、歌唱,深情貼近美濃土地。

“County Road 184” is a documentary about the folk-rock group Labor Exchange Band and the social movement from which it emerged.  In the mid-1990s, the Taiwanese government announced plans to construct a dam in southern Taiwan that would have effectively wiped out the farming town of Meinung. This prompted Meinung residents to form a grassroots movement that successfully stopped construction of the dam, a significant accomplishment at the time in light of Taiwan’s transition to a more open democracy. Labor Exchange played an important role in bringing national attention to Meinung’s anti-dam movement, and today the now-defunct group is still heralded by Taiwanese rock and pop fans as a prime example of how music can influence social change in the country. This film looks at the inspiration behind Labor Exchange’s music, and how its members viewed the movement, both as musicians and activists.

影片介紹 Synopsis 

▌導演介紹 Director

◎ 2011|台灣 Taiwan|54 min

◎ 導演 Director | 賀照緹 Ho Chao-ti

放映場次 Schedule

► 10/21(六)Sat. 14:30 /客家文化中心 3 樓放映室

© 2017 by trees music & art . All rights reserved. 


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