來自瑞典北方的民謠創作二人組,Pettersson 擁有古典樂與爵士樂的深厚底子,以鍵盤提琴創作,Fredriksson則是從重搖滾與金屬樂起家,以北歐曼陀拉與魯特琴發聲。他們第一次一起正式演出,是在1997年高中的聖誕晚會,兩位才華洋溢的樂手終於找到了擁有相同默契與音樂理念,勇於創新實驗,卻不全然拋棄北歐民謠傳統的長久夥伴。時光飛逝,今日,他們仍持續在即興的語言與節奏中,探索瑞典民謠的根與靈魂,他們的創作紮根於自北瑞典的遼闊土地,以當代的音樂語言與跨越地域風格,不同於主流北歐民謠的清新風格,Pettersson & Fredriksson醞釀的音樂質地格外強烈、厚重,濃烈且充滿爆發力,以新的音樂語彙,重新演繹傳統民謠的元素,2002年第一張專輯《火》一推出,立刻獲得高度評價,成為當代北歐民謠音樂圈中的新星。
2009年在德國民謠音樂節TFF, Rudolstadt,玉鳳遇見了用曼陀鈴與魯特琴演奏北歐新民謠的Fredriksson,琵琶和魯特琴的和諧共鳴,合作的默契使音樂家們相約未來再聚。本次音樂節「流浪續攤」,瑞典民謠組合Pettersson & Fredriksson的完整組合將首次來台演出,並與鍾玉鳳、David Chen的混種計劃<藍。掉>展開全新對話。
Pettersson & Fredriksson(瑞典)

Daniel Pettersson and Daniel Fredriksson perform traditional Swedish folk music on the nyckelharpa (also known as the "key fiddle" or "key harp" and mandola.
The duo having been making music together since high school, when they first played folk songs on piano and electric guitar at a Christmans concert in 1997. Since then, they've dug deeper into the roots of traditional Swedish music, exchanging their instruments for the more traditional key fiddle and mandola and lute. But their performances are infused with a modern sensibility -- Petterson has a background in classical and jazz; Fredriksson is a lover of hard rock and heavy metal.
Combining a collection of musical riffs, improvisation and minimalist composing, the pair have set out to both pay respects to their traditional folk music while also pushing its boundaries. To date, the duo has released three albums: "Brand" (2002), "Virek" (2005) and "Sotali" (2010).
► 10/2(五)19:30 中山堂中正廳
► 演出樂人: 藍。掉 Fade to Blue (台灣/美國)|Pettersson & Fredriksson(瑞典)
► 10/4(日)14:30 嘉義縣表演藝術中心 實驗劇場
► 演出樂人: 藍。掉 Fade to Blue (台灣/美國)|Pettersson & Fredriksson(瑞典)|Wolfgang Obrecht(德國)