德國手風琴鬼才 Wolfgang Obrecht

奔放不羈的手風琴鬼才、配樂工作者、野戰錄音師,〈City Border〉混種計劃的靈魂人物。平時在德國慕尼黑的個人錄音室工作,與歐洲許多樂團巡迴全球。他擅長收集在地聲響,與音樂本質自然融合,創造具生命力的魔幻音景。身為錄音師,Wolfgang有雙涉獵廣闊的耳朵,從客家山歌、印度古典樂、到中東音樂文化,這些來自多元音樂領域的養分,賦予他的手風琴層次豐富而變幻莫測的聲響,Wolfgang手風琴創作跨越多種傳統,多個音樂邊界,打破手風琴浪漫甜美的刻板印象,Wolfgang的樂聲能帶你走得更遠——他將聲音拆解、重組,讓想像力主導對話,在與各國好手交鋒之間,拓展更自由、更具革命性的聲響空間。
Wolfgang Obrecht, who hails from Munich, Germany, is a composer and a sound engineer specializing in acoustic music with a particular interest in world and contemporary music and free improvisation. Trained in classical piano, Wolfgang also grew up playing the church organ and now plays the accordion as his principal instrument. He is a founding member of Piazza Grande, for which he composes and performs traditional/folk music from southern Italy.
As a sound engineer, Wolfgang trained at HdK (now UdK) in Berlin and works mainly in live sound recording, having toured with various Iranian musicians throughout Europe as a live sound engineer. He also has numerous film and television projects on his resume, including on-going production work for German state TV channel ZDF.
Wolfgang produces and mixes various projects at his own studio in Munich, Tonstudio RichArt, and founded the label "pilgrims of sound" in 2014, which issued the CD series "Highlights of Improvisation." His latest project, Ensemble Borderless, features all original compositions, which will be performed the Migration Music Festival 2015.