波斯鼓樂 Reza Samani
伊朗音樂世家出身 打擊吹管全方位樂人
1977年生於伊朗,Reza Samani十歳就從哥哥Behnam Samani身上學會演奏Tombak和Daf, 十二歳開始演奏Sorna、Karna和Neyanban等多種木管樂器,師承伊朗大師Khodadad Gholami、Ruzali和Mahmud Sharifi。他參與多項音樂計劃,曾與Rahmatollah Badii、Hossein Alizadeh和Konstantin Wecker等國際知名音樂家同台演出。

身兼ZARBANG、Ensemble Samani、Rumi Ensemble、Tom-Ta-Ka Ensemble等多個樂團成員和獨奏樂人,Reza在北美、歐洲、亞洲,和非洲密集巡演。他曾受邀至倫敦的敲擊音樂節、慕尼黑的伊朗音樂節、馬德里的夏祭、魯爾表演藝術三年展、絲綢之路藝術節、杜拜的阿拉伯之聲等節目演出,足跡遍及多個世界頂級演奏廳演出。目前定居德國,為歐洲知名的Tombak與Daf指導老師,多次受邀至各國音樂節帶領工作坊。
除了〈City Border 2.0 有機混種計劃〉和獨奏演出,Reza也會在音樂節期間帶領迷宮樂團器工作坊,現場近距離教授Daf打擊器樂,機會難得。
Reza Samani learned to play Tombak and Daf from his brother, Behnam Samani at the age of ten. By the age of twelve, he had learned to play a wide array of woodwind instruments including the Sorna, Karna and Neyanban from renowned Iranian masters Khodadad Gholami, Ruzali and Mahmud Sharifi. He has performed with renowned musicians such as Rahmatollah Badii, Hossein Alizadeh, and Konstantin Wecker on various international music projects.
As a soloist and ensemble player in the music groups ZARBANG, Ensemble Samani, Rumi Ensemble and Tom-Ta-Ka Ensemble, Reza has toured extensively in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. He has participated in the Percussion Festival in London, Iranian Music Festival in Munich, Villas de Verano in Madrid, the Ruhr Triennale and the Silk Road Festival in Hong Kong. Based in Cologne, Germany, Reza Samani teaches Tombak and Daf throughout Europe and is a sought-after teacher for workshops and festivals.