
摩蘭歌謠(Morlam)一 湄公河地域的流徙之歌
Morlam -- Songs of the Mekong River
鄉愁酒吧駐點的泰國民歌手「艾」(“Aing” Tinnakorn Uthaisaeng),來自泰國東北廊開府,原本在家鄉以務農為生;後來為追求自己的音樂夢,移居曼谷,展開長達12年的演唱生涯,目前在曼谷老牌「雨樹」餐館兼酒吧定期駐唱,演唱風格以70年代民謠為主,融入泰式流行樂與摩蘭民謠風格,他婉轉甜蜜的嗓音,唱出泰國廣大離鄉勞工的哀愁與美麗。這群無名的勞動者,流浪在泰國以及其他陌生的亞洲城市,日復一日,家鄉的歌謠隨著他們的足跡影響了泰國當代流行樂,也成為泰國鄉愁歌謠的鮮明特色。
The Migration Music Festival is pleased to introduce “Morlam” songs in the spirit of the theme of this year’s festival, Rice River. "Morlam" (also romanized as "Mor lum") is a popular folk song form that originated in Laos and Isan (the Northern region of Thailand). The presence of Chinese, Burmese, Thai and Cambodian people along the Mekong River (lit. “Rice River”) have had an influence on the art of Morlam, which means "expert song" or "expert singer." The topical themes of Morlam are universal in their heartfelt and humorous tellings of love, rural life, and family, but they also touch upon on contemporary life and society. As the "people's song," Morlam has reflected the changes in Thai life, as many left Isan for the cities, following the wave of urbanization and industrialization of Thailand from the 1960s to the 1980s -- even the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s made its way into a Morlam song.
MMF 2015 welcomes 38-year-old singer Tinnakorn Uthaisaeng (Aieng) of Phochai in Northern Thailand, a former farmer and laborer who will be singing at the Rain Tree Restaurant, located within the festival grounds.