◎場次 | 開幕場、特映會、閉幕場
◎地點 | 客家音樂戲劇中心2樓劇場
►單場票:300 元 / 身障敬老票:單場 150 元
◎Events: Opening Event, Special Screening, Closing Event
◎Venue: Hakka Music and Theater Center, 2nd Floor Theater
◎Tickets: 300 NTD per event (150 NTD for disabled / Special needs audience members with registered ID)
Let the world of film spill into "real" life -- the New Narratives Festival's 2018 Events include live music and dance performances to coincide with the screenings. This year, we present reggae rhythms from Chinese-Jamaican artist Golden Chyld, anarchist rap from Amir Meludah and a Kathak dance performance by Jin Won.
▍開幕片 Opening Film 1 | 唐鋪 The Chiney Shop ★ 台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
導演 Director | 江明月 Jeanette Kong | 2012 | 牙買加 Jamaica | 26 min
▍開幕片 Opening Film 2 | 藍狄傳奇 The Story of Randy's ★ 台灣首映 Taiwan Premiere
製作人 Producer | 陳客禮 Clive Chin | 2008 | 牙買加 Jamaica | 39 min
十字路口的靈魂交易:當客家人遇上 Bob Marley
Hakka Reggae Connection
◎時間:10/05(五)19:30(19:00 開放入場,採自由入座)
◎Date and Time: 10/05 (Fri), 19:30, Open seating, doors open at 19:00
◎Opening Films: The Chiney Shop, The Story of Randy’s
◎Video Screening: Chinatown
◎LIVE Music: Golden Chyld, Ken Ohtake
說起牙買加,就會聯想到「雷鬼樂」的眾神:巴布·馬利與痛苦者樂團 (Bob Marley & the Wailers)、丹尼斯·布朗 (Dennis Brown)、李裴利 (Lee “Scratch” Perry) ……這些至今仍駐留各方音樂榜上的雷鬼大家,影響了全世界不同世代的青年,「雷鬼」因而成為一種價值、態度與信仰。
「雷鬼」與「客家」,看似不相干的兩脈,卻有著深刻的淵源。牙買加的客家人雲森・「藍狄」・陳 (Vincent “Randy” Chin),正是牙買加雷鬼樂的推手!影展以開幕片《唐鋪》(The Chiney Shop) 及《藍狄傳奇》(The Story of Randy’s),梳理這段從雜貨店、唱片行到全世界最大的雷鬼樂唱片公司的故事。當客家人遇上雷鬼,藍調之外,是另一場十字路口的靈魂交易。
We open the festival with a focus on Jamaica and the lives of Hakka Chinese immigrants in The Chiney Shop (2012), a documentary about Chinese shopkeepers in the country, and The Story of Randy's (2008). The latter is about the history of an important reggae lable founded by a Hakka Chinese family. When people think of reggae music, they think of its stars: Bob Marley and the Wailers, Dennis Brown, and Lee "Scratch" Perry, to name just a few. But a lesser known fact is that a Hakka Chinese family helped popularize reggae. Vincent "Randy" Chin, a second generation Hakka Chinese immigrant to Jamaica, played a pivotal role in promoting the genre as the owner of "Randy's Record Store." This family business, which sold records on the first floor and ran a recording studio upstairs, issued the earliest recordings by Bob Marley and the Wailers. Randy's quickly became a key destination for soon-to-be reggae stars, and the shop helped launched the careers of other luminaries such as Dennis Brown, Gregory Issacs and Black Uhuru.
原名李史提 (Stephen Lee),出生於加拿大,父母為牙買加客家華人移民,成長於音樂氣氛濃厚的家庭,自小受牙買加雷鬼音樂熏陶。縱使在加國出生,由牙買加文化孕育長大的他仍歷經「異國文化」衝擊,自我掙扎與調適期和朋友組了另類搖滾樂團 ,開始接觸雷鬼以外的樂種。一次與組了雷鬼樂團的兩位哥哥到牙買加「夏日雷鬼音樂節」演出,竟召喚出了自身的雷鬼魂,亦然踏上雷鬼音樂的道路。兄弟三人以團名「中國城」(Chinatown) 啟動音樂計劃,開始累積創作及演出實力。如今史提以黃金小子 (Golden Chyld) 身份,結合牙買加文化根源與成長所處的北美音樂場景,創造出混種多變的另類嘻哈舞曲。
Stephen Lee, aka Golden Chyld, was born in Canada to Hakka Chinese-Jamaican parents. With a musical background that spans alternative rock to reggae, Stephen returned to his Jamaican roots after playing at Reggae Sumfest with his older brothers. On regular return trips to Jamaica, he was inspired by artists such as Buju Banton, Beenie Man and Bounty Killa, who have influenced his modern dancehall/reggae sound as Golden Chyld. For this event, he will perform a solo set.
Guitarist and composer Ken Ohtake calls himself "a prisoner of the guitar," and his audiences always take delight in watching him attempt to set himself free, with his intense, virtuosic approach to the instrument. Comfortable with nearly any style of music, Ohtake is best known for his work with Okinawan legend Takashi Hirayasu, Hakka singer-songwriter Lin Shengxiang, and his own modern jazz trio, Tokyo-Chuo Line.
The Things You Won't Learn in School in Malaysia
◎時間:10/12(五)19:30(19:00 開放入場,採自由入座)
◎Date and Time: 10/12 (Fri), 19:30, Open seating, doors open at 19:00
◎Opening Films: Lelaki Komunis Terakhir (The Last Communist)
◎LIVE Music: Amir Meludah & Farid Othman
政黨輪替的美好帷幕下,馬來西亞的未來何去何從?今夜我們將要大談馬來西亞始終如一的禁忌話題——馬來亞共產黨。特映會將呈現馬來西亞當代最重要的紀錄片導演之一阿米爾·穆罕默德 (Amir Muhammad) 的作品——《最後的共產黨員》(The Last Communist),一窺「教科書上沒有說的事」,並帶出一系列讓我們認識馬來西亞族群政治的記錄影像。
音樂現場特別呈現馬來西亞獨立饒舌樂人「吐槽阿米」 (Amir Meludah),以「吐槽」為演出主軸,一窺當代馬來青年無政府主義思潮與青年世代被當權者企圖覆蓋的話語。
With the current political changes happening in Malaysia, NNFF is taking the opportunity to explore a topic that remains taboo in that country: its communist past. Amir Muhammad's film Lelaki Komunis Terakhir (The Last Communist) tells the story of the Communist Party leader Chin Peng by visiting the towns he lived in before fleeing to Thailand.
NNFF has also invited Malaysian rapper Amir Meludah to perform. The anarchist views expressed in his music has drawn the ire of Malaysian authorities, who regularly try to stop him from "spitting" the truth.
樂人 MUSICIAN | 吐槽阿米 Amir Meludah
原名阿米·奧斯曼 (Amir Othman),馬來西亞獨立饒舌樂人。「Meludah」在馬來語為「大吐口水」之意,擅長以字字珠璣的歌詞佐以犀利觀點,大力吐槽馬來西亞各大政治黨派與社會亂象,引起地下音樂社群與獨立音樂界關注,促使來自東海岸的龐克音樂廠牌 Alteraktif 替他發行了第一張同名專輯《Amir Meludah》。阿米擁抱的無政府主義 (Anarchism) 思維,表達出馬來西亞青年世代對政治虛偽的厭倦,以無視威權與社會框架的態度,擲地有聲地說唱出真實理念。
Amir Meludah is an office worker by day, anarchist rapper at night. Meludah, whose real name is Amir Othman, "spits the truth" by rapping in Malay about social injustices and the oppressive forces of government and society. The anarchist philosophy espoused in his music has won Amir many fans in Malaysia's underground rock scene. His first self-titled album was released by the Malaysian punk label Alteraktif.
▍特映片 Special Screening | 最後的共產黨員 The Last Communist
導演 Director | 阿米爾·穆罕默德 Amir Muhammad | 2006 | 馬來西亞 Malaysia | 90 min
▍閉幕片 Closing Film | 藍色天空下 Neel Akasher Nichey (Under the Blue Sky)
導演 Director | 敏納·森 Mrinal Sen | 1958 | 印度 India | 133 min
藍色天空下 Under the Blue Sky
◎時間:10/13(六)19:30(19:00 開放入場,採自由入座)
◎舞蹈現場:Jin Won
◎Date and Time: 10/12 (Fri), 19:30, Open seating, doors open at 19:00
◎Opening Films: Neel Akasher Niche (Under the Blue Sky)
◎Performer: Jin Won
今年影展閉幕,我們要向那些追求真理的導演致敬。閉幕片《藍色天空下》,是與薩亞吉·雷 (Satyajit Ray) 齊名的印度左翼導演——敏納·森 (Mrinal Sen) 的作品。《藍色天空下》是他的第二部長片,也是印度解殖後第一部被禁演的電影。黑白的影像,深刻描繪1930年代的加爾各答。當時加爾各答知識份子的反殖情緒高漲,組織性地進行地下反殖活動,期望擺脫英國人的壓迫統治。在此時代背景下,導演也同時刻畫了因為貧困而被迫離鄉背井的山東絲綢小販王魯。透過王魯的身影,勾勒出當時印度社會被消聲的華人移工。
影展尾聲,將迎來舞者 Jin Won 的單人舞蹈。影展將在影像、詩與光影的多媒體跨界實驗中落幕……
For the closing film, we pay tribute to one of India's master filmmakers, Mrinal Sen, with a screening Under the Blue Sky (1959). Set during the last days of the British Raj in Calcutta (known today as Kolkata), an immigrant Chinese worker, Wang Lu, strikes up a friendship with a female character, Basanti. The film offers a rare glimpse of the state of affairs for Chinese immigrants in India in the turbulent 1930s. This second film by Sen was considered his first successful work, and was initially banned by the Indian government for two months because of the sensitivity over India's brief border war with China.
韓裔的 Jin Won,是目前世上著名的印度舞蹈藝術家之一。經過15年於舞蹈與音樂大師 Pandit Divyang、 Shrimati Shubha Desai 門下修西傳統鼓樂塔布拉鼓 (Tabla) 與卡薩克 (Kathak) 舞蹈,以充滿戲劇張力的節奏和肢體語言,遊走於傳統與現代舞蹈的邊界,跨越族群文化疆界,訴說著一個個精彩的神話故事。
South Korean artist Jin Won is an accomplished Kathak dancer and tabla player, and an ambassador for Indian classical arts. Her love of Indian arts led her to live in India for over 15 years of training in tabla under Pandit Divyang Vakil, and in Kathak under Shrimati Shubha Desai in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. She teaches at the Taalim School of Indian Music in the US as a faculty member and artist.