△ 2008 | 牙買加 Jamaica | 彩色 Colour | 39 min
△ 製作人 Producer | Clive Chin 陳客禮
△ 放映場次 Schedule ▎10.05 Fri. 19:30 【開幕場 Opening Event】十字路口的靈魂交易:當客家人遇上 Bob Marley ▎10.06 Sat. 19:00 ▎
美國最大雷鬼唱片行 VP 唱片 (VP Records) 的前身——藍狄唱片 (Randy’s Records) 慶祝五十週年紀念,回顧唱片行創辦人,牙買加客家華人移民第二代的雲森·「藍狄」·陳 (Vincent “Randy” Chin) 與雷鬼音樂打交道的一生。由雲森·陳的兒子陳客禮 (Clive Chin)、VP 創辦人之一的陳柏翠 (Patricia Chin) 以及一眾友人、樂人們的回憶與口述故事,串起這個由點唱機維修工作開始,到京斯敦商店街北大道 17 號 (17 North Parade) 上的唱片行與錄音室,發展至今成為世界數一數二雷鬼與加勒比海音樂製作公司的傳奇故事。
Randy's Records paved the way for the birth of reggae and Jamaican music and stars. The studio, founded by Chinese-Jamaicans Vincent and Patricia Chin in 1958, launched the careers of a long list of reggae luminaries, including Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, ad Toots and the Maytals. Randy's grew to become the label known as VP Records, overseeing the development of then-underground sounds such as ska, roots and dub reggae. This film looks back at 50 years of this impactful music institution.
△ 製作人介紹 PRODUCER
Clive Chin 陳客禮
資深音樂製作人,1954 年出生於牙買加京斯敦,年少時就開始協助父親雲森·「藍狄」·陳 (Vincent “Randy” Chin) 成立的藍狄唱片行 (Randy’s Records) 從事唱片製作,所接觸的樂人包括雷鬼的眾神「痛哭者樂團」(The Wailers)、丹尼斯布朗 (Dennis Brown) 和李裴利 (Lee“Scratch”Perry) 等。18 歲那年,他為 70 年代舉足輕重的雷鬼樂人奧古斯都·帕布洛 (Augustus Pablo) 錄製首張專輯《爪哇,爪哇,爪哇》(Java Java Java) 而聲名大噪,2 年後,兩人再度合作完成帕布羅的同名專輯《這是……奧古斯都·帕布洛》(This Is...Augustus Pablo),這兩張唱片後來對後世雷鬼音樂人影響甚深。他不僅承襲父親對雷鬼音樂的熱愛,也為雷鬼音樂開創了新的面向,數度設立獨立於家族音樂廠牌的新公司,如 Impact!、17 North Parade 等。
Clive Chin (b. 1954) is a reggae producer who has been called one of Jamaican music's "greatest unsung heroes." Chin, who is of Hakka Chinese descent, grew up working at his family's business in Kingston: Randy's Record Store and the legendary Randy's Studio 17, which helped to launch the careers of the most important reggae artists of the late 1960s and the 1970s. Chin oversaw and witnessed landmark recordings by the Wailers, Dennis Brown, Gregory Issacs, Lee "Scratch" Perry and Black Uhuru. As a teenager behind the sound booth assisting engineer Errol Thompson, Chin was behind the distinctive bass and drum rhythms that shaped the now-classic sound of roots reggae, dub, and rebel rock. Chin later made a name for himself by producing a record by the highly influential dub and reggae artist Augustus Pablo. That release, "Java," became a worldwide sensation, with its distinctive melodica riffs.
Chin's career went on hiatus in 1978 after his family decided to re-locate to New York City, where the record business was renamed VP Records, now the largest reggae distributor in North America. In the 1980s, he dropped out of the scene to help run another family business, a Jamaican restaurant in Queens. Since the late 1990s, he has returned to producing records again.