2015 第一屆當代敘事影展
Biekka Fábmu (Special Screening)
◎ 音樂演出(約20分鐘):Elina Waage Milkasen(挪威薩米族青年藝術家)
◎ 亞洲首映:《風的力量》
◎ 映後座談(約20分鐘):Elina Waage Milkasen、鍾適芳(流浪之歌音樂節創辦人)
本影展與挪威「海岸風暴音樂節」(Riddu Riddu)合作策劃了《風的力量》(Stein Bjørn導演)放映。代表Riddu Riddu前來參加影展的挪威薩米族青年藝術家Elina Waage Milkasen,將於影片放映前呈現一段音樂多媒體的演出,同時也爲《風的力量》做映後座談。該片記錄了「海岸風暴音樂節」爲薩米語及薩米認同努力的二十年軌跡。

特別嘉賓 Feature Artist:
挪威薩米族青年藝術家 Elina Waage Mikalsen
Elina Waage Mikalsen今年二十三歲,來自挪威北方海岸,是2015年挪威海岸風暴音樂節(Riddu Riddu Festival)的年度優秀青年藝術家。她目前於藝術學校就讀,嘗試實驗的媒介涉及藝術電影、雕塑、繪畫、文字,與影音裝置。Elina熱衷於探討環境保護、女性主義等議題,以及薩米族人在挪威當代語境下的溝通模式。今年她受海岸風暴音樂節委託所做的創作,尤其關注語言/語言的缺席。她希望透過藝術呈現她自身作為薩米族人的生活,以反映當下無數年輕薩米族人的實際狀態。
23-year-old Elina Waage Mikalsen was the Riddu Riđđu Festival’s “Young Artist of the Year” in 2015. She is in her first year at the Nordland Art and Film School in Kabelvåg, and experiments with art film, sculpture, drawings, texts and audio/video installations. With Sami roots from the northernmost reaches of Norway, Mikalsen’s work reflects her passion for environmental protection, feminism and how her indigenous heritage is conveyed in her country today. She focused on the absence of her native language as part of her commissioned piece for the Riddu Riddu Festival earlier this year.
演唱作品《Out Here》
自導自演實驗短片《Det er mange rundt meg, men jeg kan ikke se det》

Stein Bjørn
2012|挪威 Norway|彩色 Col|52min
2013 特羅姆瑟國際電影節
2013 Eurodok歐洲紀錄片影展
◎ 亞洲首映
挪威海岸風暴音樂節(Riddu Riddu Festival),源自海岸薩米人對政府長期以來壓制、同化薩米族的反動與省思:「為什麼政府要奪走我們的語言?為什麼我們要隱藏自己身份和文化,以薩米族為恥?」於是,三位年輕人創辦了這個音樂節,成為挪威原住民族薩米人(Sámi)的年度盛事,讓他們重新建立身份認同,凝聚與發聲的起點。
正當音樂節踏入二十週年,來自世界各地的樂迷聚集在這個北極圈山間小村莊,藍天綠地、營火、帳篷、日夜不停的音樂會、放映、深度座談⋯⋯導演訪問挪威文化部部長和歷任音樂節領袖,分享音樂節所重視的核心精神:多元文化、寛容與接納;拍攝期間,挪威的另一端卻毫無預警地發生挪威二戰後的最大規模襲擊:一名挪威人在奧斯陸引發爆炸再前往 Utoya 島街頭開槍,殺死77人。對於這群深信平等價值的組織者和參加者,事件會帶來什麼衝擊?屠殺過後,此音樂節在多元文化的社會實踐層面上將扮演更重要的角色?
This documentary is about the annual Riddu Riddu Festival, which was started in Norway in 1991 by a group of Sami people, an indigenous group spread across northern Scandinavia. The festival was started to celebrate and re-assert Sami culture, and to recognize its struggle to overcome problems resulting from colonial policies that included language suppression, residential schools and forced sterilization of women. This film was commissioned to celebrate the festival's 20th anniversary in 2011, during which several attacks by a right-wing extremist were carried out in Oslo and on the island of Utoya and resulted in 77 deaths. These shocking and unexpected events provide the emotional backdrop for Riddu Riddu participants depicted in the film, who reflect on their beliefs in diversity and equality and the fragile state of multi-culturalism in Norway.
11.25 (三) 14:00 客家文化中心3樓簡報室
11.26 (四) 19:30 客家音樂戲劇中心2樓劇場 ► 特別場:現場音樂演出
11.28 (六) 17:00 客家文化中心3樓簡報室
Biekka Fábmu