2015 第一屆當代敘事影展
單元二:邊界漂流 — Drifting Borders —
策展合作:鄧世杰 、張獻民、影弟INDICINE工作室、齊放民間放映聯盟
This series is held in partnership with China’s Qifang Hakka Film Festival, presenting five films concerning contemporary issues faced by Hakka people. This selection sidesteps the debate over the definition of “Hakka” and instead focus on the themes of freedom, local issues and visions for the future, with the overall goal of presenting a diversity of experiences within the Hakka diaspora.
Co-Curators: Deng Shijie, Chang Xianmin, Indicine Workshop and Qifang Public Film Union

鄧伯超 DENG Bochao
2010|中國 China|彩色 Col|130min
2011 第五屆雲之南紀錄影像展 競賽單元
2011 第二屆北京新青年影像年度展 人道主義獎
◎ 台灣首映
Under the Split Light
Under the Split Light looks at the preservation and disappearance of Hakka customs and traditions on China’s Hainan Island through the lives of local residents. The film looks at Nanfeng Village, where the Hakka have inter-married with locals and people from nearby Danzhou. Yang Shaobo, who sings Hakka mountain songs, visits several neighboring villages to learn and take record of these traditional tunes. Ye Weiting, Yang’s childhood friend, plays guitar and brings the film’s director to his home, where they meet Ye’s grandfather, who lives on his own despite his advanced age. The film also visits Luwa, where villagers are planning to celebrate the annual lantern festival by parading around with sedan chairs carrying their gods of worship. But they must do so in a clandestine manner, as this folk religion practice is banned by the Chinese government.

The Gleaners
葉祖藝 YE Zuyi
2013|中國 China|彩色 Col|94min
2015 莫斯科國際紀錄片電影節 最佳紀錄片獎
2015 德國漢堡影展 亞洲單元
2014 瑞士國際紀錄片節真實影展 競賽單元
◎ 台灣首映
Filmmaker Ye Zuyi turns the camera’s gaze upon himself and his parents, as they grapple with the changes that rural families in modern China must face. One prominent question on his parents’ mind: should they continue to farm their land or sell it to developers? Ye’s parents also worry that their son, a university graduate, cannot find a proper job in the city and has not yet gotten married. Instead, he appears to be more interested in hanging around their small village in Guangdong Province to interview local elders about their experience of the Great Famine (1959 to 1961).

From Border to Border
鍾適芳 CHUNG She-fong
2013|台灣 Taiwan|彩色 Col|108min
2015 德國漢堡影展 亞洲單元
2014 台灣國際女性影展 台灣競賽首獎
2014 台北電影節 台北電影獎入圍
《邊界移動兩百年》以八個章節探見印度華人兩百年間的「來」與「去」,在時代巨變下,他們無法掌握自己的命運,一次又一次被捲入動亂之中。影片呈現老中青三代的印度華人邊緣而碎片的歷史記憶,對照大時代的影像檔案、印度左翼導演Mrinal Sen的回憶及其劇情片《藍色天空下》見證的1930年代,拼貼出印度華人無聲的歷史,以及不確定的未來。
Starting in the heart of Calcutta’s Chinatown, From Border to Border looks at the complicated relationship between India’s ethnic Chinese and mainstream Indian communities. Supposedly marked by social exclusion and self-segregation, the ethnic Chinese in India have remained a mystery despite their presence spanning several generations. Through a collection of oral narratives divided into several chapters, the film reveals a little-known history of the Chinese diaspora in India.

Future Tulou
Anna Laura Govoni & Cristina Peraino
2013|意大利 Italy|彩色 Col|20min
◎ 台灣首映
支持單位:DE.MO./MOVIN’UP、General Direction for landscape、fine arts, architecture and contemporary arts - Ministry for Assets and Cultural Activities、GAI – Association of the Circuit of Young Italian Artists
The “Tulou” are traditional round earthen houses built by the Hakka commonly found in the rural parts of Fujian and Guangdong Provinces in China. This film documents the work of two Italian architecture researchers, Anna Laura Govoni and Cristina Peraino, who conceived of a multi-disciplinary project in which a group of artists and scholars lived together in a Tulou in Fujian to explore the nature of space, community, and change in modern China. Though mostly associated with rural areas, Tulou also exist in urban spaces. The film also features one such dwelling in the Nanhai District of Guangzhou, which is run by Friends of Tulou, a not-for-profit family organization that works with issues surrounding preservation, development and urbanization.
《未來.土樓》補充說明:珠三角地區的國土資源展望(2012)本視頻由Anna Laura Govoni 和Cristina Peraino製作,由深圳都市實踐建築設計研究部(URB)合作完成。

2012|台灣 Taiwan|彩色 Col|27min
一位 70歲創作200多首童謠的客家詩人。
一位 28歲試著創作出新童謠的客家歌手。
兩個世代,是文字和音符說話 是河壩的文化底蘊。
兩人相遇說話, 我們試圖找到客家河壩的生命文化!