2015 第一屆當代敘事影展
Closing: Dubbing on the Silence
◎ 默片放映:《歷史是一部默片》(18分鐘)、《薛平貴與王寶釧》修復片段(5分鐘)
◎ 現場配樂:Matthias Frey(德國電影配樂作曲家、鋼琴師)、鍾玉鳳(台灣琵琶演奏家、作曲家)

History is a Silent Film
K.M. Madhusudhanan
2006|印度 India|黑白 BW|18min
2007 MoMA現代藝術博物館國際短片放映
◎ 台北首映
隨著膠片圖像一起消失的是舊德里賈瑪清真寺周邊的社區,那裡現在正在被清理。影片將烏斯曼巴依的職業的消失與電影的損失,以及自己親近和親愛的人的消失聯繫在一起。個體也能夠像膠片中的鬼魅一樣重新出現嗎?如果百萬人潮向我們行進過來?當圖像隨機地穿越歷史片段,當電影在思考著記憶、遺忘和有關失去的家鄉和失去的人的政治,它同時也試圖將這種失去與膠片電影的消亡聯繫起來,在舊德里的街巷中尋找它的物質史。 (Ashish Rajadhyaksha)
History is a Silent Film probes the meaning of memory and time by telling the story of a man who repairs film projectors. Usmanbhai, like his father Kaderbhai, is the last of a dying breed of technicians who can fix celluloid film projectors. His profession is disappearing, along with the original format that gave birth to cinema. At the same time, Usmanbhai’s story is linked with his home of old Dehli, which is also disappearing as it gets “cleaned up.” The film links the idea of forgetting, lost homelands and lost people to the demise of film, with the remaining traces of history and memory found on old streets and celluloid.

Xue Ping-gui and Wang Bao-chuan
1956|台灣 Taiwan|黑白 BW|原片93分鐘,本影展閉幕特映5分鐘精選片段
王府家中尚有小女兒寶釧待字閨中,因此王允便決定於農曆八月十五日搭高樓讓寶釧拋繡球招親。前一晚,寶釧在後花園祈求月老賜姻緣,意外撞見正要翻牆而過的薛 平貴,寶釧見其相貌堂堂,將來必成大器,便與他訂下親事。隔天,薛平貴在紅娘的指引下順利搶得繡球,豈料王允卻嫌貧愛富不認乞丐為女婿,但寶釧堅持下嫁,甚至不惜與父親三擊掌斷絕父女關係。
某日,薛平貴到相府拜見岳母王夫人,卻被王允趕出家門,還將薛平貴打昏在路旁,幸虧有寶釧和王大、王三不眠不休的照顧,康復後的薛平貴也專心習文學藝,不僅 降服了紅鬃烈馬,更獲封後軍督府。沒想到王允和魏虎卻故意將薛平貴改派為馬前先鋒,發派到西涼疆場。臨行前薛平貴匆匆與寶釧告別,儘管依依不捨,但寶釧還是祝福夫君百戰百勝早日回鄉⋯⋯
A film adaption of a popular Taiwanese opera, Xue Ping-gui and Wang Bao-chuan is a fictional romance from the Tang Dynasty in which, by a twist of fate, a commoner (Xue) marries the Prime Minister’s daughter (Wang). This film was a milestone in several respects: it was the first post-war 35mm film in Taiwan that was not produced as government propaganda under Chinese Nationalist rule on the island; it was the first Taiwanese Opera adaptation to become a box office smash; and it marked the first “Golden Age” of Taiwanese film production, which specifically catered to speakers of Taiwanese (also known as Minnan Chinese or Hoklo).