2015 第一屆當代敘事影展
單元四:光音之旅 — Sound Travels —
This series looks at how music changes as it crosses a border, whether physical or imagined, and the conditions that create a new ideas of tradition and put old ones to rest.
Byambasuren Davaa
2009|蒙古 Mongolia|彩色 Col|90min
2009 釜山國際電影節
2009 瑞士盧卡諾影展
2009 洛杉磯國際電影節
The Two Horses of Genghis Khan

Mongolian singer Urna Chahar-Tugchi has set out on a quest to fulfill a promise she made to her late grandmother. That promise is to restore a beloved instrument her grandmother was forced to destroy during China's Cultural Revolution. All Urna has left of this horse-head shaped violin is the neck and head, and missing with the body is an inscription with the notation of a song sung by her grandmother. This narrative documentary follows Urna on her journey back to Ulan Bator, in which she finds a luthier to rebuild the instrument. In the meantime, Urna travels to the interior to try and learn the lost verses to a traditional Mongolian song.

Sonny Rollins: Beyond the Notes
Dick Fontaine
2012|英國 UK|彩色 Col|78min
2013 胡士托電影節
2012 倫敦爵士音樂節
在1960年末,爵士音樂史上最傑出的音樂人之一的薩克斯風手Sonny Rollins忽然急流勇退,不再做公開演奏。當時英國重量級紀錄片導演Dick Fontaine曾拍攝了一部關於Sonny Rollins的作品,四十年後,導演走進Sonny Rollins的八十歲生日音樂會,Ornette Coleman、Jim Hall等著名樂人都被邀請見證這個歷史時刻。《超越音符》帶領所有的樂迷一起追尋,當年他毅然決定離開舞台的真正原因,揭示一位薩克斯巨人不受舞台的鎂光燈所迷惑,跨越半世紀堅持追尋音樂的真正意義,努力不懈地突破自我。
More than forty years ago Dick Fontaine made a film with the brilliant and influential jazz saxophonist Sonny Rollins, who suddenly rejected fame and 'the jazz life' to play alone high above the traffic on the Williamsburg Bridge NY. Back then the film followed him on his lonely journey to find out why? What was he searching for? Now forty-three years later, in the context of his historic 80th birthday concert and with the help of other jazz legends, Ornette Coleman, for example, who Sonny invited to celebrate the history of his music with him, Beyond the Notes follows his extraordinary journey, still refusing stereotype and compromise, still searching for answers to his music and his life.

You Don't Belong
Spandan Banerjee
2011|印度 India|75min
2011 紐約印第安電影節
◎ 台北首映
一首「傳統」的Baul(孟加拉民謠)歌曲《你不屬於》(Lal pahari deshe),一度創下唱片行和電視播放的最高紀錄。這首由孟加拉另類流行樂團Bhoomi所演唱的歌曲被廣為翻唱成各種版本。唱片公司聲稱這是傳統歌曲,所以不受版權規定限制。它同許多印度產品一樣,它恰恰不是傳統的:這是由Arun Chakraborty創作的現代詩篇,由一位現在旅居法國的歌手Paban Das Baul譜曲。於是,記憶、版權法,關於家庭與移民的概念,一同講述了這首歌曲從邊緣走向都市主流的旅程。影片中的Paban Das是一個生活在法國演唱唱遊吟詩人作品的歌手,他在 Jaipur(這個據說想從事文學的人必須造訪的地方)文學節上表演。Arun Chakraborty是一個在西孟加拉的小村莊中過著安靜自足的生活的詩人。Bhoomi樂團來自加爾各答,因演繹民謠而聞名。Prabuddha Banerjee是長期從事抗爭音樂的音樂家。Paraspather樂隊留下了很多流行歌曲,而如今已名聲不再。這些本不相干的人物因為導演對一首集體記憶中的「傳統民謠」作者的追尋而聯繫在一起。最值得注意的是,歌曲本身的有一種非常契合當下的、流亡或流離的感受:前往那片你屬於的土地,因為那土地不屬於你。(印度电影與文化研究理論家Ashish Rajadhyaksha)
A “traditional” Baul folk song becomes a recording hit in India, and filmmaker Spandan Banerjee sets out to find the origins of the song, which turns out to be anything but traditional. His search takes him on a winding journey in which he meets a seemingly disparate group of people who are all intricately tied the song’s popularity: a Baul performer living in France who composed the song; the poet who wrote the lyrics; a Kolkata-based band popular for their renditions of traditional folk music; a protest singer; and another band nostalgia for their once-popular songs and lost fame. As the story of a song unfolds, the film reflects on the ideas of creation, ownership, copyright and collective memory.