2015 第一屆當代敘事影展
單元三:世界.幻影 — Global Mirage —
The globalized economy does not necessarily benefit all. This series wishes to bring attention to those who sacrifice much but receive little for their role in keeping the world’s production chains running.
周浩 Zhou Hao
2014|中國 China|彩色 Col|82min
2014 釜山國際電影節
2014 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片節
2014 金馬影展 最佳紀錄片獎
2014 中國紀錄片學院獎評委會大獎 最佳攝影獎

早春三月的新疆,寒氣仍然逼人。棉花即將播種,冶文俊和他的妻子正在自家的地裡清理著去年地裡殘留下的棉花桿;幾千公里外,河南漯河的一家棉紡廠,十九歲的李萍不小心扭傷了自己的腳,她想請假休息幾天;深夜十一點,50歲的韋國強正在車間裡搬運已經縫製好的牛仔褲;早上六點半, 三十歲的延威和丈夫、三個孩子正在吃早餐,今天她又要起程去新疆摘棉花⋯⋯
This Golden Horse Award winning documentary from 2014 looks at the cotton workers in China, and the struggles they face in the midst of the country’s relentless march towards a modern capitalist economy. Director Zhou Hao centers the film on the lives of four cotton trade workers, and illustrates the breadth of this labor-intensive industry by taking the viewer from the cotton fields of Northwestern Xinjiang to a glitzy fashion show in Guangdong Province. The film sheds some doubt on the new “social contract” on offer to citizens by Chinese leaders, as the newly prosperous society being promised actually appears to be reverting to the old class system that the communist regime originally sought to eliminate.

Jade Miners
趙德胤 Midi Z
2015|台灣 Taiwan、緬甸 Myanmar |彩色 Col|104min
2015 鹿特丹國際影展
A documentary by acclaimed Burmese-Taiwanese director Midi Z, Jade Miners puts a spotlight on Burmese workers who illegally dig for jade in Kachin State. An independence movement in Kachin led to war with Burmese forces in 2012, which forced the closure of state-run jade mines, which stretch for hundreds of kilometers. The closures have led to illegal mining, as Burmese attracted to the prospect of striking a fortune are flocking to Kachin, risking either arrest by military or the loss of life due to dangerous conditions of the mines.

Breaking Ice
陳冠宇 CHEN Kuan-yu
2012|台灣Taiwan|彩色 Col|35min
2013 芝加哥兒童影展 兒童評審團紀錄片類別首獎
2013 多倫多兒童影展
2014 法國費索爾亞洲影展
2014 台北電影節 台北電影獎入圍
Taiwan has seen dramatic changes in its demographic make-up over the past twenty years, as more than 300,000 women from other Asian countries have married Taiwanese men and settled in the island nation. In this short documentary, a Taiwanese child born to a Mongolian mother starts to discover more about her multi-cultural identity. Eight-year-old Tongtong has never seen snow — until her mother decides to bring her to visit her hometown in Inner Mongolia. Tongtong delights in the trip, seeing fish that freeze almost at the moment they are caught and receiving doting attention from her grandparents. More importantly, she sees her mother in a completely new light.

A Better Life
Jan Látal
2012|台灣Taiwan|彩色 Col|26min
Film tells the stories of four migrants from the Ukraine, Vietnam, Kyrgyzstan and Moldavia, who chose the Czech Republic as the country in which they want to live and work. What brings them here is the dream of a better life. What is it like for them to live and work in the Czech Republic? How do they view our country and the mentality of the Czech people? What kind of problems do they have to deal with while travelling and living in the Czech Republic? Do these migrants really have a better life here? The documentary reveals the stories of migrants, and the role that the NGOs who work with these migrants play in the process of their integration