△ 2016 | 柬埔寨 Cambodia | 彩色 Colour | 65 min
△ 導演 Director | 璨莉達 Chan Lida
2017 韓國 DMZ 國際紀錄片影展 DMZ International Documentary Film Festival
△ 放映場次 Schedule ▎10.11 Thurs. 16:00 ▎
2013 年,上千名群眾聚集柬埔寨首都金邊街頭,遊行唱歌,要求提升勞工最低薪資,換來的回應卻是警方無情鎮壓;同時間導演璨莉達將鏡頭對準索帕尼夫婦,太太是成衣廠女工,先生在勞工抗爭中被子彈擊中並碎裂大腿骨。夫婦倆為了籌措醫藥費回到家鄉,影像從城市擴展到鄉村,揭露各自的經濟困境;談話從壯年世代延伸至歷經赤柬的長輩,聆聽兩代人對抗爭的看法,驚覺赤柬的恐懼幽魂仍在。到頭來勞工抗爭的不只是加工產業裡的薪資問題,還是一個國家是否將人民視之為人的尊重,年輕赤子的臉龐因為政治而蒙上陰影,國家正義何時才會到來?
Cambodia's flourishing textile industry has meant cheap clothes for economically well-off countries but severe hardship for workers. This film looks at the cost of the global "fast fashion" movement by following the journey of Ty Sophanith, a former peasant who moved to Phnom Penh with his wife to work in a garment factory in Phnom Penh. Poor working conditions prompt Sophanith to join a public protest, where he gets shot during a brutal police crackdown.
△ 導演介紹 Directors
璨莉達 Chan Lida
柬埔寨電影工作者,曾於柬埔寨電影資料館 (Bophana Center) 擔任檔案員,專攻赤柬時期檔案分析,也擔任法國國際廣播電台記者,報導相關議題。2010 年受到柬埔寨知名電影導演潘禮德 (Rithy Panh) 裁培,轉而拍攝紀錄片,作品有《我的昨天之夜》(My Yesterday Night,2010)、《紅色婚禮》(Red Wedding,2012),後者吐露赤柬時期被強迫嫁娶的婦女心聲,獲得國際影展多項肯定。
Chan Lida is an up-and-coming Cambodian filmmaker and radio journalist. For Radio France International, she covered the trial of the Khmer Rouge leader known as Comrade Duch. In 2006, she joined the Bophana Center as an archivist, specializing in the analysis of the Khmer Rouge archives. After attending a documentary film workshop by Cambodian filmmaker Rithy Panh, she made her first short film, "My Yesterday Night," a profile of a former female bar singer in Phnom Penh.