我的父 親

△ 2016 | 越南 Vietnam | 彩色 Colour | 69 min
△ 導演 Directors | 段紅黎 Doan Hong Le
2017 印尼日惹影展 Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival
2016 韓國 DMZ 國際紀錄片影展 DMZ Docs
△ 放映場次 Schedule ▎10.06 Sat. 17:10 ▎10.08 Mon. 19:00 ▎
△ 影片介紹 Film Synopsis
A Vietnamese director turns the camera upon his aging father, a veteran of the wars against France and America who is now suffering the beginning stages of Alzheimer's. The father represents a disappearing generation who joined the Communist revolution more than 70 years ago, and now live in a Vietnam that seems worlds apart today.
△ 導演介紹 Director
段紅黎 Doan Hong Le
越南獨立電影工作者,越南電視台 (VTV) 記者,有20多年的電視台製作經驗。作品關注快速轉變下的越南社會及人們的生存處境。2014年的作品《祖先的叢林》(The Ancestral Forest),紀錄越南原住民因為水庫興建而遭迫遷,在現代生活與即將消逝的傳統文化之間的拉扯。她也參與法國Ateliers Varan的國際紀錄片培訓工作室,協助培育越南年輕一輩紀錄片工作者。
Doan Hong Le is a filmmaker and journalist with over 20 years of experience in television production. A native of Da Nang, Vietnam, Doan’s independent film work tracks the rapid changes in Vietnamese society today. Her 2014 film "So Close, So Far, The Ancestral Forest" is about the forced re-location of an indigenous community in Vietnam due to a dam construction project and the resulting tension between modern needs and a disappearing traditional culture. Through Ateliers Varan (France), Doan currently runs a program to train young Vietnamese filmmakers.