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MemoryAsResistance_200815_Texted Mandari
導演_Chan Seong Foong _ Victor Chin.jpg
導演_Chan Seong Foong _ Victor Chin.jpg

△ 2015 | 馬來西亞 Malaysia | 彩色 Colour | 20 min

△ 導演 Directors |  陳湘鳳 Chan Seong Foong、陳俊生 Victor Chin


2016 馬來西亞自由電影節 Malaysia Freedom Film Festival

△ 放映場次 Schedule ▎10.09 Tue. 16:00  ▎10.12 Fri. 14:00【映後座談 Q&A】 ▎


1880年,華人被英殖民政府引來馬來西亞森美蘭州開採錫礦,他們蓋起房子、學校、神廟、雜貨店……一步步建立起文丁鎮客家村。當錫礦被掏空,資本主義使然,開發的怪手伸向這個存在近一個世紀的村落,六十多名村民與關注土地正義的民眾並肩對抗拆遷的命運。馬來西亞社運人士陳湘鳳與陳俊生發起非政府組織「文丁之友」(Rakan Mantin),以社區發展與歷史文化維護方式捍衛客家村村民的居住權利。他們以紀錄片《傳家之憶》,訪問年邁的村民江婆婆,細細訴說客家村88年以來的變遷。

Grandma Kong has lived all of her life in Kampung Hakka, a 100 year old village in Malaysia. At 80, she wants to live out her remaining years in the only home she's ever known. But her village is under threat of demolition, due to a questionable land grab orchestrated by local officials and a private developer. This film portrays the community spirit and culture of the village, who banded together to fight for their right to remain on their land.


陳湘鳳 Chan Seong Foong


馬來西亞籍社運人士,80年代投入學生運動,關注吉隆坡都會地區的弱勢族群,曾於瑞士日內瓦參與國際發展教育計劃,返馬後持續投入社區工作,積極於文化的保存與維護。她和畫家陳俊生發起「文丁之友」(Rakan Mantin) ,捍衛森美蘭州錫礦小鎮文丁客家村的居住正義。《傳家之憶》是她的第一部紀錄作品。


Chan Seong Foong was active in the 80’s with student movement and community organising activities with urban poor communities in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Later she went on to work in Geneva, Switzerland in an international development education programme. Returning home she  took time off to bring up her family. She rekindled her passion for community work and is now a cultural activist working in collaboration with Victor Chin on a community project, Rakan Mantin. Memories As Resistance is her first foray into documentary filmmaking.


陳俊生 Victor Chin


馬來西亞籍畫家、作家、社運人士,現居吉隆坡。與同為社運人士的陳湘鳳完成紀錄片《傳家之憶》前的五年間,兩人發起「文丁之友」(Rakan Mantin) 組織,透過社群媒體集結遭迫遷的客家村村民,奔走於各大小場合,將客家村的拆遷議題公諸於世。至今熱心投入人權相關議題的紀錄影像創作、藝術與建築設計。


Victor Chin has been a painter, writer, activist for many years and recently into film making.  Memory as resistance is the First film he co-directed with Chan Seong Foong. In the last five years he and Chan Seong Foong, both work under the social media platform, FaceBook named Rakan Mantin, with the early residents of Mantin to resist forced eviction. He is passionate in making documentaries on human injustice issues, art and architecture. He lives and works in Kuala Lumpur.

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