夢醒洛杉磯 MADE IN L.A.

△ 2007 | 美國 USA | 彩色 Colour | 77 min
△ 導演 Director | 艾莫迪娜·卡拉榭多 Almudena Carracedo
2010 高雄國際勞工影展 Kaohsiung International Labor Film Festival
2008 台灣國際女性影展 Women Make Waves Film Festival
△ 放映場次 Schedule ▎10.11 Thurs. 16:00 ▎
移民博物館內,看著陳列出的二十世紀初美國移民工作景象,移工露比不假思索:「這就跟今天一樣……」非法移民來到美國,大多為血汗成衣廠工作,非法的身份讓他們難以站穩腳步,捍衛自身的權利。這些大部分為女性的移工,領取低於最低工資的薪水,在惡劣的環境下超時工作,受盡剝削,為平價潮牌製作服飾。導演艾莫迪娜歷時五年,以影像記錄三名從南美偷渡到洛杉磯的拉丁裔成衣廠女工,加入洛杉磯工運組織——成衣勞工中心 (Garment Worker Center) 的抗爭運動,同時以近距離的影像敘事,呈現她們的生命故事。
Maria, Lupe and Maura are three Latina immigrants struggling to survive in Los Angeles sweatshops. Against all odds, they band together and wage a sustained public campaign against one of the city's major clothing retailers, bringing much needed attention to the problem of low-wage labor in the US. The film traces the women's struggle for basic economic justice and personal dignity, as they navigate disappointments and dangers and ultimately find hope.
艾莫迪娜·卡拉榭多 Almudena Carracedo
出生於西班牙馬德里,紀錄片導演、製作人。2000 年到加州大學洛杉磯分校進行美墨邊界紀錄研究,並完成博士學位。2003 年作品《印象作為紀錄旅程》(Welcome: A Docu-Journey of Impressions) 聚焦邊境城市蒂華納 (Tijuana),獲美國銀紀錄片影展 (Silverdocs Documentary Festival) 斯特靈最佳紀錄短片獎。2007 年深入洛杉磯血汗成衣工廠,作品《夢醒洛杉磯》完整記錄洛杉磯成衣女工抗爭全過程。最新作品《他者的沉默》(The Silence of Others,2018) 呈現西班牙獨裁者佛朗哥暴政下的倖存者對社會不公義的反抗,該片於今年柏林影展首映。
Almudena Carracedo is a Madrid-born director and producer. "Made in LA," which took five years to complete, is Carracedo's first feature-length documentary, for which she won an Emmy Award, a Henry Hampton Award and a Special Mention of the Jury at the Valladolid International Film Festival.