△ 2012 | 泰國 Thailand | 彩色 Colour | 28 min
△ 導演 Director | 卡蒙‧包薩瓦迪 Kamol Phaosavasdi
△ 放映場次 Schedule ▎10.09 Tue. 16:00 ▎10.12 Fri. 14:00【映後座談 Q&A】 ▎
「千萬別讓你的女兒靠近酒鬼!」一名住在南羅 (Nan Loeng) 的母親在痛失女兒後,對鏡頭聲淚俱下地控訴。南羅位於曼谷市中心的化外之地,對非在地人來說,此地龍蛇混雜,居住著社會最底層的邊緣人,毒品氾濫、性工作者聚集,多數的孩子沒有未來。然而,這裡卻也是文化最繁盛之地,傳統舞者、具天分的演員多居住在此,藝術家在此創作,市集裡數不清的美食、手工藝品,熱鬧的街道,喧囂的人聲,南羅的草根生命力,從泰國當代藝術家卡蒙‧包薩瓦迪的裝置藝術影像中逐一顯現。
"Don't let your daughters near those drunks," says a tearful mother in Nang Leong, a historic section of Central Bangkok. The mother is mourning the loss of her daughter to a world of drug dealers and sex workers rooted in the area; meanwhile Nang Leong continues to bustle as a popular destination for traditional food, not to mention a popular home to artists and actors. In this video piece, conceptual artist Kamol Phaosavasdi presents a collision of worlds within the theater of Nang Leong.
卡蒙‧包薩瓦迪 Kamol Phaosavasdi
泰國重要的當代藝術家,畢業於美國歐提思帕森斯藝術學院 (Otis Art Institute of Parsons School of Design),以錄像、電影、觀念藝術為跨媒體創作媒材,作品受邀至世界各地的藝術展中展出, 當中包括了第50屆威尼斯雙年展。卡蒙的作品常聚焦環境與政治議題,並著重以真實地點與情境作為創作元素,以加強觀眾的互動性與參與度。目前於曼谷的朱拉隆功大學任教。
Kamol Phaosavasdi is a Thai conceptual artist who studied at Otis/Parsons Art Institute in Los Angeles and has exhibited widely around the world, including the 50th Venice Bienannale in Italy. His work, often touching upon environmental and political issues, favors the situational and site-specific to emphasize viewer interaction and participation. He teaches at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok.