△ 2016 | 拉脫維亞 Latvia、挪威 Norway、斯洛維尼亞 Slovenia | 彩色 Colour | 100 min
△ 導演 Directors | 莫頓托拉維克 Morten Traavik, 烏吉斯瓦勒特 Uģis Olte
2017 高雄電影節 Kaohsiung Film Festival
2016 挪威奧斯陸南方影展 Films from the South Festival
2016 荷蘭阿姆斯特丹紀錄片影展 IDFA
△ 放映場次 Schedule ▎10.13 Sat. 11:00 ▎
2015 年北韓為了慶祝脫離日本統治七十週年,邀請前南斯拉夫、作品經常操作政治訊息而備受爭議的搖滾樂團萊巴赫 (Laibach) 在「解放日」進行演出。令人百思不得其解的決定,樂團甚至自稱是兩個最被誤解的對象彼此合作交流,讓人分不清幾分戲謔幾分真實!當美韓關係正緊張,南韓又以心戰廣播挑釁,導演托拉維克跟隨樂團勇敢深入神秘北韓,見證獵奇景色、烏托邦幻想、團員走失與嚴格審查的各種反差,雙方從技術環節一路爭執到表演內容,衝擊語言、文化和政治敏感,更挑戰居中協調的公務人員腦神經。萊巴赫可以守住底線,讓「真、善、美」的音樂順利傳遞到北韓民眾的耳裡嗎?
To the surprise of many, the ex-Yugoslavian cult band Laibach becomes the first rock group ever to perform in the fortress state of North Korea. Confronting strict ideology and cultural differences, the band struggles to get their songs through the needle’s eye of censorship before they can be unleashed on an audience never before exposed to alternative rock’n’roll. Meanwhile, propaganda loudspeakers are being set up at the border between the two Koreas and a countdown to war is announced. The hills are alive…with the sound of music.
莫頓托拉維克 Morten Traavik
挪威演員、導演和藝術家,曾在俄羅斯和瑞典接受劇場導演訓練,今藝術創作範圍橫跨多種藝術型態與國界,模糊藝術、行動和社會議題的分界。作品常引起廣大爭議與迴響,諸如系列作品《地雷小姐》(Miss Landmine,2010) 為受地雷傷殘的婦女組織選美比賽、與北韓藝術家和文化局的一連串合作,此外他還是挪威國防軍首位(迄今唯一一位)駐地藝術家。
Norwegian director and artist Morten Traavik trained as a theater director in Russia and Sweden. This background plays out in his work, which frequently blurs the lines between art, activism and social issues. One of his more provocative projects includes holding beauty pageants for landmine victims, documented in "Miss Landmine Angola" (2008) and "Miss Landmine Cambodia" (2009).
烏吉斯瓦勒特 Uģis Olte
拉脫維亞導演與剪接師,2007 年開始投入影像製作,喜以音樂、童話或虛構故事訴說當代文明;以頑皮古怪的幽默感呈現嚴肅議題。曾拍攝過電視迷你影集、音樂錄像與廣告,並自編自導《血紅泳池》(The Red Spot,2008)、《KK-2678》(2008)、《野獸之王》(King of The Wild Things,2014) 三部劇情短片和二部紀錄長片,《北韓搖滾解放日》為其第三部紀錄片。
Uģis Olte is a Latvian director and editor who takes a playful approach to dealing with serious subjects. He utilizes dreams, myths and fairy tales to tell contemporary stories for film and television. In addition to TV shows, music videos and short fiction films, Olte has made three documentaries, of which "Liberation Day" is his third.