△ 2017 | 英格蘭 England、阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam、塞內加爾 Senegal、蘇利南 Suriname、牙買加 Jamaica、多米尼加 Dominica | 彩色 Colour | 73 min
△ 導演 Directors | 嘉禾·布朗 Jaha Browne、 塔拉·瑪南達 Tara Manandhar
2017 倫敦東區電影節 East End Film Festival
2017 英國獨立電影節 Flatpack Film Festival
△ 放映場次 Schedule ▎10.06 Sat. 19:00 ▎10.10 Wed. 16:00 ▎
四位在英國都會享譽盛名的音樂人,各自回到自己父母的出生地,追尋血液中流淌著的文化根源,為音樂創作激發出新的靈感。水星音樂獎提名者泰瑞·沃克 (Terri Walker) 回到牙買加,黑人音樂獎得主廈卡 (Shakka) 到了多米尼加,葛來姆 (Grime) 樂人迪斯托遜 (Diztortion) 和薩斯齊拉 (Saskilla) 則到了蘇利南和塞內加爾。當父母口中的「故鄉」從語言敘述轉換為實景,面對熟悉又陌生的國度,文化衝擊與自我身份認同,伴隨著移民遷徙與殖民歷史傷痕,複雜情感透過強烈的視覺色彩與音樂節奏一一被述說。
Four acclaimed British urban musicians explore their cultural roots by visiting their ancestral homelands. Mercury Music Prize-nominated Terri Walker travelled to Jamaica, double Mobo winner Shakka visited Dominica, while grime artists Diztortion and Saskilla headed to Suriname and Senegal, respectively. Produced by Punch Records, this documentary tracks the journeys of each of these artists, as they travel accompanied by only a small film crew, seeking to connect with the roots of their music and cultural identities.
嘉禾·布朗 Jaha Browne
英國青年世代導演,擅長以鏡頭描繪人物,並透過紀錄片、音樂影像及數位內容方式呈現。2011 年開始為非盈利機構及商業品牌製作影片,2015 年為英格蘭衝擊唱片行 (Punch Records) 與英格蘭藝術委員 (The Arts Council) 拍攝《家園》(Homelands),跟隨四位都會音樂人回到自己父母的故鄉,追尋音樂中的文化根源。
Jaha Browne is a UK director and filmmaker whose work focuses on intimate portraits of her subjects. "Homelands" is her first feature film, and her most recent work includes a short documentary profile for Roundhouse and BBC iplayer.
塔拉·馬南達 Tara Manandhar
倫敦影像藝術家,曾為銳跑 (Reebok)、匯豐 (HSBC)、殼牌 (Shell) 等企業製作商業短片,拍攝地點囊括巴西、墨西哥、牙買加、蘇利南、土耳其、尼泊爾等地。作品曾受英國電影協會 (BFI)、歐洲文化基金會 (European Cultural Foundation) 支持,並在各國際大型影展放映。
Tara Manandhar is a video artist from London who engages in both commercial and artistic work, with a portfolio that includes shooting for Reebok, HSBC, Channel 4 and London Live Television.