△ 2018 | 香港 Hong Kong | 彩色 Colour | 90 min
△ 導演 Director | 魏時煜 S. Louisa Wei
2018 台灣國際女性影展 Women Make Waves Film Festival
2018 美國聖地亞哥亞洲電影節 San Diego Asian Film Festival
△ 放映場次 Schedule ▎10.07 Sun. 17:00【映後座談 Q&A】▎
華人落戶古巴超過 170 年,至今古巴還有 10 萬人具華人血統。本片追隨生長於 3、40 年代繁榮都城哈瓦那的粵劇姐妹:何秋蘭、黃美玉,重訪粵劇在海外開枝散葉的輝煌過去。粵語流利的何秋蘭更是純古巴血統,從小跟著華裔養父學劇,遇上中、古混血的黃美玉,這段因粵劇結下的緣讓倆人彼此惦記一甲子。1959 年,卡斯楚用一場革命帶走繁華,何秋蘭做了收銀員、見證哈瓦那華埠半世紀興衰;黃美玉當上外交官,與切格瓦拉有一面之緣。本以為就此錯開的兩條人生軌跡,卻在歲入花甲之際重逢。這次,她們試圖再演粵劇,找尋少女時期夢幻的舞臺,以及粵劇、家族的根源⋯⋯
Caridad Amaran and Georgina Wong, the children of Chinese immigrants to Cuba, learned the art of Cantonese opera in 1930s Havana. The two friends shared the stage while performing on tour across Cuba in the 1940s. Their lives changed after Castro's 1959 revolution; one of them went to university and became a diplomat. Today, the pair are both retired, and are now seeking to perform again. Will they find a stage? Will they find an audience?
魏時煜 S. Louisa Wei
獨立紀錄片導演、作家,現為香港城市大學創意媒體學院副教授。2003 年開始拍片,長片作品包括揭露毛澤東殺戮知識分子罪行的《紅日風暴》、兩部追尋海外華人歷史及藝術的《金門銀光夢》和《古巴花旦》。著作《王實味:文藝整風與思想改造》獲出版雙年獎文學和小説類最佳出版獎,目前正製作與崔健、英皇電影合作的紀錄片《紅色搖滾》。
Born in Shandong, China and raised in Xi An, Shaanxi Province, S. Louisa Wei studied literature and film in Canada before moving to Hong Kong in 2001. Her noted works include "Storm Under the Sun," a feature documentary about the purge of writers under Mao, and "Golden Gate Girls," a profile of Esther Eng, China's first woman director. Now an associate professor at the City University of Hong Kong, Wei is currently working on a new documentary with Chinese rock legend Cui Jian.